These are definitely interesting times.
Some kids and teachers are doing school from home all year. Some kids and teachers are at school – masked, sanitized, and distanced. Some people are self-quarantining. Some are having parties. Some people are dutifully masked. Some are covering their faces yet asserting their opinion in permanent marker on their masks. Some are refusing masks altogether.

People are circulating video clips that vouch for the holiness and corruption of both candidates. Supporters of each candidate feel that the other side is being duped. People are posting conspiracy theories on social media. Protesters are wanting racial justice. Rioters are wreaking havoc.
Yet hearts are still beating. Flowers are still blooming. The wind blows beautiful pre-fall air into our nostrils. Legos adorn the floor, and fresh plums adorn the counter. Blackberries pack the bushes and lemon cucumbers hide under vines. The sun’s morning rays glint into the bedroom window, the sea sparkles crystalline in the afternoon, and the moon’s glow brightens dark rooms at night.
May you soak in your blessings, help those who cannot, and strive to make change kindly.
*According to Wikipedia, “Despite being widely attributed as a Chinese curse, there is no known equivalent expression in Chinese” for the expression May you live in interesting times. “The nearest related Chinese expression translates as Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos.” (寧為太平犬,不做亂世人 – Feng Menglong)