Children, Be Encouraged by Trump

Dear Children of the World,

Be encouraged by our president. He is proof that you can do anything in the world that you want to do, regardless of how you choose to live.

His life was not lived morally, and he now stands for truth and justice. His ego was larger than life, and he now stands for the people, by the people. He says whatever he wants people to believe about him, and he is believed. His lack of knowledge in history, geography, politics, and diplomacy never prevented him from attaining the highest political position in the world – he bypassed the prerequisites and is learning on the fly.

Be encouraged. You may mistreat those around you, but you could still be president someday. You may live a life of immorality, but there are millions of people who will still love you, dismiss your past, and put the future in your hands.

Be encouraged, child. In this country, you may be told by your parents, your teachers, and your peers that you need to be honest, play nice, and get As. But never you mind what they say because it’s not how some of them vote. If it didn’t matter for the president, it won’t matter for you. Do whatever you want to do to get whatever you want to get. Ego over character – it’s the new American way.

The next time someone says you can’t do something because you lack the smarts, heart, ethics, or qualifications, point them to Trump. It didn’t stop him, and it shouldn’t stop you.

He told everyone he could do it, so we let him. If he can do it, you can too.

Be encouraged, my child. You have a place in this world.

If you are a child reading this, please know that I am speaking both facetiously and pragmatically at the same time. In other words, I’m kidding but I’m not.


  1. ouch.
    (that was awesome, Edee. …continually embarrassed by our fearless leader)

  2. Eileen Battle-Krampitz

    Bless you Edee. My #MeToo and Save the Children Heart is shattered into a million pieces as well. Keep speaking out my Dear. Your Strong Voice compels us all to do likewise.

  3. Edee.Thank you for being your honest self.
    Paul Culp

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