Behind Closed Doors… Music Makers

The dark skies and rain are already upon us. People turn inward – literally and figuratively – and it’s right around now that I start wanting to see behind closed doors. Creative juices are flowing. People are binding books, writing plays, inventing gadgets, arranging stained glass, painting masterpieces, felting creatures, and having a ball.

Some are making music.

Meet Kellen Comrie.

We’ve heard Kellen’s music abilities for the past decade. I think he must be prodigy material because he can sit down at various instruments and play them with the kind of skill that doesn’t just flow out of other people I’ve observed. I first heard him playing piano years ago, and lately he’s quite the drummer.

He and his friends gather weekly to play whatever comes out of them, and his friends have remarkable talent as well. I showed up to be a short-lived fly on the wall the other night to document them for a few minutes.

Kellen was taking a break when I arrived, but I’ve watched him and Pedro jam together. They play music across the board and with varying levels of enthusiasm, from calm to frenzied – a wild, highly skilled, passionate kind of frenzied.

Look out for them in public arenas.

If you, oh creative reader, would allow me to come and be a photo-taking fly on your wall for a few minutes while you practice your particular art, let me know!

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