Writing Is My Cookie Dough

Everyone has a favorite treat. Mine is writing.

Years ago, I realized I didn’t want to waste any treat-eating on desserts that aren’t really my thing. For me, nothing compares to cookie dough. So I might as well keep some at all times in the freezer. That way, while others are noshing away on cheesecake or brownies, I can carve a little glob of my treasured stash with a spoon and enjoy my peak indulgence.

More recently, though, I realized that writing is actually my cookie dough. Dessert is all about unapologetically indulging in your favorite delight. Writing, for me, is something I feel drawn to indulge in all day, every day. Themes come to me all the time. Titles of essays pop in my head during every morning walk. Words want to flow out of me endlessly, not wanting to stop for meals or sleep. Posts get postponed, waiting for others to be started. Books get edited and reworked.

I only wish I had an extra me – one who could write from morning to night while the other does the rest of life.

What’s your cookie dough?

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