Festivity Inventory

Take a look at the following festivities that we islanders have grown so accustomed to celebrating together throughout the year, every year…

To think we have had to set most of these aside for two years is more than a little daunting. Remember that the way things are right now is not a normal state of being for us. We are accustomed to celebrating anything and everything together. On the days that you’re feeling blah or low and can’t figure out why, this is why.

We knew each other’s stories, highlights, and hardships because community events kept us current. Days would be so full of excitement, laughter, and sensory stimulation that at times we’d intentionally scale back just to make sure we had time to rest and just “be” rather than “do.”

Today, I know very little about what’s happening with everyone. If you happened to move here during these quiet times, know that I feel as unconnected with the community as you do, and we’ve been here a decade. You may feel lonely; unknown. It’s not you, it’s all of us (or at least a lot of us).

As we reminisce about the Orcas we remember, we can remind ourselves to rekindle all of the excitement as we are able to.

Hang on – this won’t be the new normal forever. The horizon is brightening!

You can also find this on the November 14th Sun Days column on The Orcasonian here.

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