There’s Nothing Like Fall

The smoke has been in and out, as has the fog brought on by the smoke, and seasonal change has been creeping in slowly in the midst (mist) of it all.

It’s not quite jacket weather. I’m still in shorts, but I don a sweatshirt and Uggs in the evening around the house. There isn’t yet a strong nip in the air but the kitchen floor is getting chilly on the feet.

There’s a different angle of the sun. Mottled browns in the landscape are interrupted by dazzling oranges and reds. And regardless of the lingering balminess in the air, introspection is overtaking extroversion by leaps and bounds.

Blue sky is up there, some days clear as a bell, some days beyond the thick white. Jumping in the lake no longer calls to us, and darkness comes at 7 PM. Summer has gently passed the baton to fall.


  1. Beautiful! Feels like I’m on Orcas.
    I’m in Florida … but had to put on a sweater viewing these pics. 🙂
    Thank You!

    • Oh, you’re so sweet, Steve! Thanks for always reading and sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate you from afar!!!

  2. Hey Edee – do you mind if I give your blogs a plug on Facebook?

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