Euphoric Sunshine

Remember… Even though it’s getting windier and colder right now, adding to the doubly gray-blanketed spirits plagued by viral unknowns, spring is close. We may not know it other than seeing buds on branches and hearing geese honking on Indian Island. The rare day or moment of sunshine is almost mind-blowing at this point, as it’s been dreary for the past two months since the mid-January snow.

When more of those blue-sky days come, hope will abound. Here’s a glimpse of magic when the sun has come out lately. I nearly flipped with sun euphoria when I was on the ferry the other day, going overboard with photos. Well, not overboard, thank goodness; fanatical, perhaps, as you can see by the sheer number of them…

The following photos may seem ordinary, but they aren’t right now. It’s amazing what gleaming sun, blue sky, and puffy clouds do to the psyche when we’re bereft of solar attention…


  1. These photos were great …. providing a moving reminder of the beauty of the San Juans. We’re Floridians who plan to be back on Orcas in August. Don’t stop!

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