Year: 2018
The Story of Stuff
Tech Time for Senior Citizens
Life Goes Internal
Local Phenoms Kaj and Tashi in Concert Soon
The Annual Children’s Christmas Market
The Annual Santa Ship
Fun with My Homies
The Holiday Artisan’s Faire
Tomorrow’s Children’s Christmas Market and Concert
One Year of Orcas Blogging
Thank you very much for reading this blog. I really appreciate you. I started it figuring that even if no one read it, I’d enjoy writing it. I can’t add to it everyday in a consistent manner in the way that I’d like to since I’m serious about spending my …
Russel Barsh and The Insect Club
Holiday Events Abound
The Things of Fall

Life is now going internal here – cooking, art-making, reading, documentary-watching, jewelry-making, creative dreaming. Somehow, the weather has still been amazing. The sun hasn’t yet gone away for the 5-month gray-out. And it’s not really fireplace-cold yet either. Nevertheless, we’re enjoying potato soups, clove-orange pincushions, Spartan apples (thanks Theresa!), varieties …
Camp Orkila’s Annual Fall Festival

We’re so impressed every year when Camp Orkila puts on a Fall Festival for the Orcas Island community. It’s an enjoyable all-day experience out on their land, rain or shine, and it’s completely free. They cook huge pots of pumpkin soup, chili, and vegetarian chili. They press hundreds (maybe thousands!) …
Joining the Local CSA
A Little Audio Story From My Past
click here for a short story
Our Technicolor Fall
Not Only Are the Orca Whales Dying…
The 5th Annual Orcas Island Film Festival
The Annual Orcas Island Farm Tour
A Talk for Animal Lovers
A Whale of a Show
The Case of the Missing Garden Sign
I wish I had a photo of it. Do I? Somewhere? I had found a very long piece of driftwood. I brought it inside to the kitchen table and had a ball painting it. I colorfully and glitteredly wrote, “God please bless the garden” (I didn’t leave enough room for …
Lance Armstrong Came to Town
Camping on Sucia Island

Just returned from camping on Sucia Island before the weather gets iffy. Our younger boy’s summer birthday wish granted a tad late. A perfect three-day window of perfect air, perfect temperature, penetrating sunshine, and the island almost all to ourselves. Three full days of sun book-ended beforehand by a full …
Trump’s Own Words
Cussing, lewdness, condescension, and lying are not welcome in our home; nor on my blog. I find it ironic that the one post that includes all of these comes from the mouth of the current president of the United States… “I did try and fuck her. She was married…I moved …
Meet Canoe Island
Visiting the Shaw Island Nunnery
If You’re Perfect, You Won’t Understand
Go no further in this post if your life is a chair of bowlies. Because you won’t understand. A friend of mine from high school once told me that she never confided in me from afar (we live thousands of miles away from each other) because she assumed that everything …
Kayaking the Cold, Crystal Waters of the Puget Sound
Gone to the Fair
The End of A Dream for Leo Lambiel
Devastation After One Little Power Outage
Yesterday the power went out around 10:00 in the morning. While in the library, I heard from a frustrated woman that it would be at least six hours before they’d get it fixed; she was very upset that she couldn’t use her cell phone for the day. Maybe she was …
Art Tour – A 3-Day Sensory Adventure
Art Tour – Kandis Susol’s Paper & Encaustics
Art Tour – Sean Forest Roberts’s Ceramics
Art Tour – Anusha Solayea’s Jewelry
Art Tour – Thomas Leonard’s Blacksmithing
Art Tour – Barbara Gourley’s Oil Paintings
Art Tour – Michael Yeaman’s Geology & Stone Work
Art Tour – Zackarya Leck’s Blacksmithing & Sculpture
Art Tour – Peg O’Hara’s Mixed Media
Art Tour – Sharon Ho’s Ceramics
Art Tour – Barbara Bentley’s Fiber Art Socks

Something I love about the studio tour is the enjoyment of seeing new neighborhoods and new vistas. Barbara Bentley’s studio overlooks Crescent Beach from an eagle’s point of view – it’s a sweeping look at the sea below that I’ve never witnessed before. Absolutely breathtaking. When we entered her studio …
Art Tour – Mary Jane’s Ceramics
Art Tour – Bruce Wilson’s Thermal Oil & Wax
Art Tour – Rosemarie Altberg’s Family
Art Tour – Kim Middleton’s Bird Paintings
Building Character
My Mom’s First Official Book Review
He Made a Choir of Us
A Time of Jubilee
Life on Orcas Island
The Blackberries Are Here
Swimming Across the Lake
Home Sweet Home Via Barge
Summer Camps and Activities on Orcas Island
4th of July Fireworks off the Barge
Four Festivities on the Summer Solstice
Digital-Era Parenting

Parenting isn’t easy, but this is new territory we never learned to navigate through our parents’ examples. Will play dates involve actual playing or virtual playing? Will going to the library result in browsing for great books or salivating over the shoulder of another boy playing Roblox? Will owning a …
The Basic Stops and Our Favorite Shop
Time to Build the Wood Pile
Walking and Reading
Flowers of Summer
Growth on Orcas Island
Fermentation is in the Air
Anthony Howe’s Kinetic Sculptures
$15 Goes a Long Way at The Exchange
Our Son Flew This Cessna Today
The Lime Kilns on Orcas Island
Seattle Rock Orchestra’s Annual Visit to Orcas Island’s Doe Bay
Orcas Island Marine Life
Newts Abounding

A-newting we have gone, A-newting we have gone Heigh-ho, the derry-o, A-newting we have gone.* Newts are abounding in ponds around our island this time of year. It’s a child’s fantasyland. And an adult’s! *The ASPCA and The American Humane Society declare that no newts were harmed in the following …
Riding a Tall Ship off Whidbey Island

All kinds of opportunities come our way, living out here on these islands. We and a bunch of other families from Orcas Island signed up to board and ride a tall ship off Whidbey Island the other day. The enthusiastic, kid-friendly, knowledgeable crew showed us skills, explained navigation tools, taught …
Clay Cafe – A Favorite April Diversion
The Tulip Fields are Bursting
New Life in Our “Backyard”
From Orcas Island to Kenyan Orphanage and Back
Carnival Day at the Orphanage
We’re Headed to an African Orphanage This Month
The Paper Airplane that Won the Drone

Orcas Island abounds with unique events throughout the year. The Paper Airplane Contest held in the public school gym is nothing frilly. Simply a lot of kids with five sheets of paper each, forming planes for three contests – distance, time aloft, and accuracy. First-, second-, and third-place winners in …
What Really Keeps You Healthy?
The Orcas Oscar Report
Living on Orcas Island is the antithesis of living in Hollywood. We cherish our space. We love our peace and quiet. Our wardrobes reflect function over fashion. And anonymity is king for many. We haven’t had cable for years but I know how much my mom loves movies and watching …
Highway Thru Hell to Skating, Sledding, and Snowshoeing
He Paddled All the Way to Alaska on a Stand-Up Paddleboard
Bulbs and Buds Don’t Lie – Spring Is On Its Way
How Fitting That It’s Snowing During Mid-Winter Break
We Watched Our Dog Almost Drown Today

Yesterday it snowed. It was a beautiful, quiet, heavenly sight watching the flakes slowly flutter to the ground all afternoon and into the evening. I went for a longer-than-normal walk this morning, taking in all the sights and capturing pictures of all my familiar walking places now donned in white. …
Island Icicles
Orcas Island’s Dark Underbelly, If You Could Call It That
The Sun Came Out Yesterday
From Broke to Opulent in South Africa ~ A Story From My Past
17 Things About Living in Constant Rain
Meet Dan and Katie

Dan and Katie have been on my mind since creating this site because they are intentional about every single lifestyle choice they make. I respect them for that. As I sit cozy inside my heated house writing this, I’m alternating between watching a National Geographic documentary called Before the Flood. …