Month: September 2018
A Whale of a Show
The Case of the Missing Garden Sign
I wish I had a photo of it. Do I? Somewhere? I had found a very long piece of driftwood. I brought it inside to the kitchen table and had a ball painting it. I colorfully and glitteredly wrote, “God please bless the garden” (I didn’t leave enough room for …
Lance Armstrong Came to Town
Camping on Sucia Island

Just returned from camping on Sucia Island before the weather gets iffy. Our younger boy’s summer birthday wish granted a tad late. A perfect three-day window of perfect air, perfect temperature, penetrating sunshine, and the island almost all to ourselves. Three full days of sun book-ended beforehand by a full …
Trump’s Own Words
Cussing, lewdness, condescension, and lying are not welcome in our home; nor on my blog. I find it ironic that the one post that includes all of these comes from the mouth of the current president of the United States… “I did try and fuck her. She was married…I moved …
Meet Canoe Island
Visiting the Shaw Island Nunnery
If You’re Perfect, You Won’t Understand
Go no further in this post if your life is a chair of bowlies. Because you won’t understand. A friend of mine from high school once told me that she never confided in me from afar (we live thousands of miles away from each other) because she assumed that everything …