Year: 2019
They Make It All Happen

Aeronautical Services sounds like some NASA-marine-spy agency that works pseudo-undercover in white vans. Actually, they are one or our package delivery services. Everything gets to Orcas Island by small plane (aero) or ferry (nautical), then is distributed by either the Post Office, FedEx, or Aeronautical Services. Thank you to all …
I Love the Christmas Season

Between going to Christmas plays and concerts, and cozying at home with my family, it just doesn’t get much better than this. Orcas Christian School’s Christmas play… Crow Valley String Band’s dauntingly great performance at Orcas Center… And my favorite, the gift of home… The Christmas Eve candlelight service at …
Final Christmas Shopping

I can’t believe it’s a few days from now! If you need some last Christmas gifts, there’s a pop-up shop where Sequel used to be, next to Ray’s Pharmacy. Painter and photographer Deb Jones, cardboard illustrator and beach trash artist Brook Meinhardt, and basket weaver Maria Bullock have their beauties …
She’s Come Here for 32 Years
Our Youth Group’s Manger Scene
Farm to Classroom

Last year I homeschooled our boys in conjunction with the OASIS program, which meant our younger son was able to attend Mandy Randolph’s beautiful Farm-to-Classroom program, assisted by garden keeper Colleen Stewart. Wow. Mandy has endless creative hands-on ideas for the kids. I was so impressed. I wish our kids …
Our Children’s Wisdom Is Our Future
Ōde Orcas Island Is In
Roller Skating Saturdays!
Winter Festival at Lum Farm
Turtleback Mountain Stillness
I Couldn’t Get Him Out
A Quick Ride Through Eastsound
Don’t Miss This
A Successful Market It Was
Saturday Children’s Market
Thanksgiving at the Oddfellows

Our family’s Thanksgiving tradition since moving to Orcas Island is to luxuriate in a few days free of cooking and walk over to the Oddfellows Hall for their late afternoon Thanksgiving potluck feast (and come home to a clean kitchen!). Turkeys and potatoes are donated by local businesses and cooked …
Our New, Industrial Family Member
“Tim Went Fishing…
In Case You Forget the Good…
Ferry Landing at Dusk
Alone Time
Winter Music for My Soul
The Sounds of Orcas Island
Clay Cafe Day
Nature in November
Until Next Year, Cross Country
November Morning Magic
Ornate Pumpkin Art
Witches on the Water
A Sparkling Fall Day Wedding
I Am My Own Enemy
A Final Goodbye, Orcas Style
It’s Now Officially Jacket Weather
Michael Armenia: “I’d Rather Remain an Enigma”
Celebrating Fall at Morning Star Farm
One Hour Equals Twelve
My Favorite Kind of Day
Walk in nature for an hour or so with my husband, blend up a kale-banana-peanut-butter-date smoothie once home, set it in my bike basket along with my computer, bike down to the Co-op to buy a warm loaf of Endswell Bakehouse sesame or wheat and brown sugar and oats bread, …
Fall Five Years Ago
A Look at Early October
3D Printing at the Funhouse
The Fruits of Fall
OCS’s Permaculture Garden
Tech Help for Locals of All Ages
Her Last Orcas Island Birthday
This Is Me
Summer Movies Under the Stars

I love that people come together at The Village Green in the middle of Eastsound for all kinds of very Orcas-y gatherings, from Saturday Farmers’ Markets and Sunday night music concerts all summer to open-air movie nights with lawn chairs and blankets. The Orcas Island Film Festival organized three such …
Paying for the San Juan County Fair
13-year-old’s entry fee: $5 corn dog, elephant ear, and cotton candy: $19 three rides on Gravitron: $15 vomiting at 2AM: priceless (…if you remember the MasterCard “priceless” commercials)
Hovering Over Beauty
Portable Planetarium Show

Kids on this island are so fortunate because the world comes to them. We were recently treated to a planetarium show in the public school cafeteria, thanks to our library and the Pacific Science Center. We entered this mobile, inflatable dome, which became the night sky complete with constellations and …
S’more Parkour
Parkour Camp with Exo

This is Exo. Super nice guy. You may have seen him flipping off walls here and there around the island, followed by burgeoning parkour enthusiasts. What’s parkour? It is “the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and …
My Funniest VBS Moment

Last week our local Community Church put on our annual Vacation Bible School. This year’s “Roar” African theme meant decorating all of the church’s rooms with appropriately patterned fabrics and rattans, sunset silhouettes of giraffes and rhinos, and colors galore. It was my role as a “safari guide” to accompany …
Journal From a Visitor
So-called Modern Man
But Will They Ever Sleep?
Island Market Makes Cents!
I’m proud of Island Market! They are now, as of today, charging 25 cents per paper bag. Hooray! Get sewing, ladies and gentlemen! All the bag money they do receive will go toward critical needs here on the island. Thank you, corporation, for making sensical change! Keep it up!
This is Cathy
Creative Carte Blanche
How We Choose Our Mayor
Children, Be Encouraged by Trump
Dear Children of the World, Be encouraged by our president. He is proof that you can do anything in the world that you want to do, regardless of how you choose to live. His life was not lived morally, and he now stands for truth and justice. His ego was …
A Pique at the Cirque
A Very Island Birthday

I love that on Orcas Island, you can pick just about any stunning place to go on a beautiful day and you’ll be some of the only people there. Our younger one decided he wanted a birthday party in the woods. We planned plant-potting, woodsy-house-building, bouquet-making, scavenger hunting, and edible-plant …
I Can, So Should I?
A Day at the Zoo
Freaking Awesome Cirque-US

WOW. I went to Cirque-US the other night at Orcas Center. Talk about DYNAMIC! Probably the best show I’ve ever seen here on Orcas Island. It was NONSTOP, BIG entertainment – WILD costumes, FABULOUS makeup, COOL freakiness, IMPRESSIVE choreography, and people stepping out of their comfort zones to do AMAZING …
I Miss Affordable Muffins
Worthy Bread
Daycation on Shaw Island
Home Alone
Most people experience it when their children are young, but today is the first day in almost 14 years that both of my children have gone to school all day. It’s Test Drive Day at the Christian School, so they’re getting a feel for what 3rd grade and 8th grade …
Fun at the Nursery
A Look at Tiny
Eloping on Orcas Island
Late Afternoon
Inspired by a Pink Cupcake
Trashion Fashion Show
Kids’ Variety Show
Mud Run
Time for Three

Yesterday Time for Three, a super dynamic and charismatic trio, performed for the Orcas Island Public School kids at Orcas Center. Double bassist Ranaan Meyer, violinist Nick Kendall, and violinist Charles Yang wowed us all with their combination of skill, improvisation, and easy humor while playing classical and modern mixes …
Blowing it with National Geographic
Bob and Iris
Physical Calligraphy

Out of respect for Anthony the Dancer, who choreographs the Island Inspiration All-Stars, I will not show you snippets of what happened tonight at Orcas Center. He prefers that audience members refrain from taking photos. It was fantastic. As usual. What especially stood out to me were the songs sung …
Jeopardy Try-Out
Apple-Grafting Class
Walter Mitty and Scott Kelly
Body Job
I’ll never forget taking a career assessment in high school. After filling in all kinds of bubbles pertaining to my skills and interests, the computer thought about it and spat out an answer. Biologist? No. Environmental Scientist? No. Photographer? No. Acrobat. That was my deeply-computed destiny. All those good grades …
Seniors Have Talent
My Brush with Jeopardy
Annual Science Fair
Development Everywhere
To Homeschool or Not
Mamma Mia!
Spring Sprang Saturday!
The Sabbath and “Weird Al”
4 Hours of Gentle Snow Today
My Brother’s Art
Not for the Faint of Heart
Art from Paper Plates
Sunshine After the Big Snow
Temperate Island to Tropical Island
Snowbound Church Service
Last Night’s Lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon
Rainy Movie Night Ideas
When the Norm Isn’t Right
I love my life. I am grateful that I happened to be born into a loving, middle-class family in a free country. I never missed a meal, a night of sleep, or an educational opportunity. I am now 44 and the ways of living that I learned aren’t feeling right …