Month: December 2019
They Make It All Happen

Aeronautical Services sounds like some NASA-marine-spy agency that works pseudo-undercover in white vans. Actually, they are one or our package delivery services. Everything gets to Orcas Island by small plane (aero) or ferry (nautical), then is distributed by either the Post Office, FedEx, or Aeronautical Services. Thank you to all …
I Love the Christmas Season

Between going to Christmas plays and concerts, and cozying at home with my family, it just doesn’t get much better than this. Orcas Christian School’s Christmas play… Crow Valley String Band’s dauntingly great performance at Orcas Center… And my favorite, the gift of home… The Christmas Eve candlelight service at …
Final Christmas Shopping

I can’t believe it’s a few days from now! If you need some last Christmas gifts, there’s a pop-up shop where Sequel used to be, next to Ray’s Pharmacy. Painter and photographer Deb Jones, cardboard illustrator and beach trash artist Brook Meinhardt, and basket weaver Maria Bullock have their beauties …
She’s Come Here for 32 Years
Our Youth Group’s Manger Scene
Farm to Classroom

Last year I homeschooled our boys in conjunction with the OASIS program, which meant our younger son was able to attend Mandy Randolph’s beautiful Farm-to-Classroom program, assisted by garden keeper Colleen Stewart. Wow. Mandy has endless creative hands-on ideas for the kids. I was so impressed. I wish our kids …