Year: 2020
Pandemic Quirk #5: Reimagining The Living Room
A Vicarious Rush
The Chosen
Cozy Christmas Eve Service
Behold! A Light in the Darkness
Pandemic Quirk #4: New, Strange Christmas Activities
Monday’s Big Surprise
A Virtually Laughable Experience
A Set Designer’s Dream
Our Younger’s Miniatures
Unbelievable Gingerbread Houses
Starved for Christmas Performance?

Hunger no longer. Yesterday I experienced the gift of watching the Orcas Christian School music class practicing their Christmas songs, led by their wonderful teacher Mr. Rivera. There are no performances this year, of course, but I’m thankful for the boon of video recording so that I can pass these …
Pandemic Quirk #3: City Thoughts
Pandemic Quirk #2: Chatty Cathy
Quintessential Tree Shopping
Pandemic Quirk #1: Wrapping Paper
Two Friends and a Frog
Giddy-makin’ Brilliance
Need a Santa-ing Idea?
Thanksgiving – A Little Late
שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם
Meet Gordon
Prepare to Be Deeply Moved
The Treasure of Stillness
The Sun Sets on a Historic Day
Out of the Woodwork
Halloween Happened!!
Costume by Orcas
When Neither Answer Feels Right
Running Camp
It’s That Time of Year

Next weekend, Halloween is going to happen here! One of the first things our kids lamented when the pandemic hit was the thought that Halloween would not happen. Not so! This Saturday from 3:00-5:30 PM will be the first community gathering we islanders have experienced since March, as trick-or-treating families …
Orcas Eye Candy
Fall on the Wall
Wisdom from Mom
One for the Fungus Lover
Enchanted Forest Road

Streets here aren’t given arbitrary names. They are very aptly named for their characteristics. Prune Alley is dotted with plum trees. Rose Hip Road greets visitors with bright orange hips in the fall. And Enchanted Forest Road is just that – beautifully enchanting. We locals are surrounded by stunning scenery …
Letters to a Myrmecologist

Regarding the previous post’s explanation of biologist/naturalist E.O. Wilson and his documentary, my younger son and I wrote letters yesterday, asking Wilson to thoughtfully consider my son’s requests for animals, since they can’t speak for themselves. For the sake of our son’s privacy, I have not included his letter. It …
How I Homeschool
Reminiscing Pre-COVID Life

Just in case you’ve begun to wonder if community life actually happened as you remember it, it did! Wonderfully cozily and maskless, too! Here’s a glimpse of festivities we were accustomed to enjoying together – community cob-oven pizza nights, Camp Orkila’s Fall Festivals, pumpkin carvings and cider pressings, team sports, …
There’s Nothing Like Fall
No, No, No!!!!
Gifts from the Wind
7 Years of Gardening Woes
Bob and Lark – A Hard Goodbye
The Gastropod Life is Good Here
Find That Shaft of Light
Bleak But Safe

We islanders can be grateful that fires aren’t plaguing us. Though four days of white skies from smoke makes for a pretty empty feeling inside, we certainly can’t complain, considering that people in California, Oregon, and Washington are losing their homes right and left and it looks like midnight during …
Tribute to Nest
Thursday’s Perfection
Near-Empty Ferry
Berries and Cognitive Dissonance

These are definitely interesting times. Some kids and teachers are doing school from home all year. Some kids and teachers are at school – masked, sanitized, and distanced. Some people are self-quarantining. Some are having parties. Some people are dutifully masked. Some are covering their faces yet asserting their opinion …
Two Gardens I Frequent
Summer of Nightly TV
Capping off a Staycation Summer
Garden Generosity

The Enchanted Food Forest at Orcas Christian School is producing some beautiful edibles that are available for free to the community on Sundays. To register for a time slot this Sunday, click here. We went this past Sunday and enjoyed clipping purple peas, massive collard green leaves, deep purple kale, …
Hot Summer Weeks
Hiking Up to Ship Peak
Too Much Me, Not Enough You
Church on a Hill
Orange Tide
Lake Contentment
Low Tide Joy
Beautiful Little Alcoves
The Strangest 4th of July Ever
Not Cool
Meet Buttermilk
Sunspice’s Grand Opening Today
Church Online and Bloopers
The Irony of Reopening Here

Orcas Island was militantly careful with sanitizing, not touching, not traveling, and not communing for three months, and that was when it was just us islanders here. Now that phases dictate our activities and restrictions have mellowed drastically, tourists from all over the place are coming in thicker by the …
Meet Colleen Stewart
Marooned – I Got My Wish!
Gratefuls, If You Need a Boost
COVID Won’t Obey Phases
Orcas High Graduation, COVID Style
Ignorant, Maybe, But Loving
Where Are the Kids?
Marine Magic

Thanks to COVID’s stay-at-home mandate, I’m now a paddleboarder seeing striking beauty reflected back at me or quivering beneath me unexpectedly. I spend hours out on the water, listening to fantastic audiobooks that my husband uploads for me on my iPod and sweet-talking seals, geese, and otters. I hope that …
The Still Life
Messages of Humanity
A COVID Anniversary Date
Lush Forest Immersion
An Evening at Lieber Haven
Skimming the Surface
Embrace Your Mediocrity
Join Me on a Spring Walk
Quiet Little Miracles
Nudibranch and Sand Dollars
TMI, Our Home Version of MIT
Best Distancing Ever
This Made Me Laugh
Wallowing in the Beauty
Coronavirus Cartoons
Jake Perrine’s Letter in the Paper

Jake Perrine, the Artistic Director at Orcas Center, wrote a great letter for the Islands Sounder. As everything came to an abrupt end with the Coronavirus staying-at-home, so did all of the myriad artistic endeavors on the island and beyond. Jake encapsulates all of it here… Hello community! What an …
Signs and Empty Streets
Take-out, Count Me Out
If You’re Taking it Lightly…
Dazzling Beauty
Home Diversions
Snowy Morning, Dazzling Day
Church on Livestream Starts Now…
The US Should Be on Lockdown
The Lottery
Glimpses From This Week
Week 2 of School at Home

Done. Shwoo. Long hours of learning in a drastically narrower, quieter, less dynamic environment – home. No friends, no playdates, no sports, no basketball games at recess, some Zoom. And cookie dough. For me. We made it to the weekend – ahhh….a break. Good job everyone – kids working relentlessly, …
Tell Me Your Story

If you’re willing, I’d like to hear how the Coronavirus, quarantining, or the stay-at-home mandates across the world have directly affected your life. Record yourself telling your story, upload it to YouTube, and email the link to me at and I’ll post it here on this blog. It would …
Gardening Note to Self…
Sheltering in Place
Youth Sunday Livestream in 30 Minutes
Coronavirus is Here Now
Travels with Britt
You’d Never Know It
We Miss You, School
Quality Quarantining

Whether you call it isolation, lockdown, shelter in place, social distancing, stay at home, or self-quarantining, I’m proud of and inspired by how people are living it out… “’Shelter in place.’…This morning, prompted by an amazing instant coffee drink Clara made for John and I, the girls and I did …
A One-Game Season
A Solution
My New Pet Rock
Live Streaming of Church Right Now
Making the Most of It – Love This

Now, whether in lockdown or voluntary quarantining, it’s a time to build strength not just in health. Strength in relationships. Bonding. Being together. Building up. Conversing. Calling relatives. Getting creative in the areas that always called to us. Drawing. Building. Reading. Mending. Writing. Inventing. Learning. Encouraging. Pulling inspiration from what …
It’s Official – Schooling From Home
Euphoric Sunshine
David Densmore’s Paintings

I’m smitten with David Densmore’s painting style. It’s bursting with Orcas Island’s colors and tangible beauty, ever-striking with each new canvas’s subject. I haven’t seen many in real life, but every now and then I come across one of them when he’s been commissioned to paint a scene someone wants …
Lightening the Mood a Bit
A Life Without Technology
Wedding Photography
Visiting the Land of Sunshine
Zumba Saves Me in February
My New Ferry Landing Friend
They’re Still Running
100-Mile Race Today – Love Them Elements
Shampoo Commercial
Endswell Bakehouse Bread
iPhone 11 Commercial
Come On, J.Lo
Gray Skies, Contemplative Paths
Water Water Everywhere!
Anacortes Overlook
Rainy Day Apple Pie
Car Commercial
A Sleep Evangelist Someday?
Nikko, Our New Young Journalist
Mijitas – Our Favorite
Sledding, Then Darvill’s

As weather reports predicted, we awakened to a wonderfully thick covering of snow this morning – perfect powder for sledding. Dreamy, really. It felt like today was a vacation somewhere else. Tired out from hiking the sledding hill, we walked into town for some après-sled mochas and cozy relaxation at …