Year: 2021
Merry Snowy Day After Christmas

I sit here writing on Christmas night in Lake Oswego, Oregon. We are visiting my husband’s family, enjoying love and laughter, and eating meal after beautifully crafted meal. After two all-too-quiet Christmases, the usual things that go along with gathering feel unspeakably special this year – being in someone else’s …
A Christmas Carol by Orcas Christian School

The upperclassmen at Orcas Christian School just produced a phenomenal audio rendition of A Christmas Carol, available for listening on YouTube here: Mr. Rivera’s done it again, tapping into the theatrical arts of his students, after last year’s production of Romeo and Juliet. Yes, my son was the sound engineer, …
Take Care of Yourself
Kinfolk Travel: Slower Ways to See the World
The Festivities Continue
Festivity Central

Happy Thanksgiving weekend and Merry Christmas season! The rain has provided ample time to gather ‘round the glowing screen and ponder life as it used to be and where it’s headed. Always in search of fascinating documentaries, we watched the new Netflix series Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space about the four civilian …
Orcas Vikings Are State Soccer Champs
Festivity Inventory

Take a look at the following festivities that we islanders have grown so accustomed to celebrating together throughout the year, every year… Seniors Have Talent show at the Senior Center (November) Hops on the Rock in Eastsound (November) Clay Cafe in the Public School art room (November) Community Thanksgiving Potluck at …
Photo of the Day: The Road Washed Away in Doe Bay
Our Island’s Halloween Weekend

Last Saturday afternoon, Camp Orkila kicked off the weekend festivities with its Annual Fall Festival: ziplining, donut-dangling, goat-petting, pumpkin-painting, hayriding, and other fun activities. Not only do they have their staff serve and entertain the whole town, they also generously feed us as well – for free! – sausages, homemade …
The Real Orcas Island
When the Sun Breaks Out
The following is my son’s article on the October 24th Sun Days column on The Orcasonian. Hello. My name is Levi and I am 11 years old. My mom let me write the column this week. I want to say something that I actually don’t think many adults will listen …
Unexpected Healing
Island Time Explained
Let’s get to the root of “island time.” I can speak on this topic because I am an expert. It’s not something I go around touting; rather, I’m a bit ashamed of it. We’re all supposed to be prompt individuals, mindful of basic courtesy, right? In my head, I’m punctual; …
Helping Salmon Proliferate
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns VII: Capri’s Marina Piccola
Film Festival: October 7-11

Speaking of presentations, performances, events, and activity bubbling up again in that direction (referencing the previous post), the Orcas Island Film Festival is coming! Here is the film schedule. Click here to read about each film. Sixteen films will be shown over five days at the Sea View Theatre here …
The Ancient and the Interstellar
Photo of the Day: Crescent Beach Guardian
Like Mice
Our younger son has two mice. They live in a plastic storage bin, sleeping in a little box during the day, and busybodying all night long. In the morning, their entire landscape is usually completely rearranged, and their leavings on the mouse wheel indicate ultramarathons they have run in the …
Photo of the Day: Coffee Date at Roots
Photo of the Day: Beaming Through the Forest
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns VI: The Isle of Capri
Behind Closed Doors… Music Makers

The dark skies and rain are already upon us. People turn inward – literally and figuratively – and it’s right around now that I start wanting to see behind closed doors. Creative juices are flowing. People are binding books, writing plays, inventing gadgets, arranging stained glass, painting masterpieces, felting creatures, …
The Nuances of a Blackberry II
Photo of the Day: Pear Season
Writing Is My Cookie Dough
Everyone has a favorite treat. Mine is writing. Years ago, I realized I didn’t want to waste any treat-eating on desserts that aren’t really my thing. For me, nothing compares to cookie dough. So I might as well keep some at all times in the freezer. That way, while others …
Photo of the Day: Pears Everywheres
Photo of the Day: Crisp and Clear
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns V: Minori to Maiori

(A momentary departure from Orcas Island life, continued from Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns IV: Amalfi to Ravello…) I awakened early each morning while everyone else was still sleeping in order to plan the day’s or week’s transportation, book trains ahead of time, put QR codes into my Notes app, and …
The Nuances of a Blackberry I
Photo of the Day: What an Overlook
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns IV: Amalfi to Ravello
Photo of the Day: Beautiful Green Eggs
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns III: Sorrento
A Letter to My Children: Hardship
We live here on beautiful Orcas Island where the air is perfect. Forested hills reflect off of the calm ocean, and not even the buzz of a mosquito disturbs the lovely peace and quiet. Birds sing outside, and apples, plums, and berries hang heavily off branches outside our windows. We …
Photo of the Day: Lake Like Glass
Island Thyme

I’m really impressed with Chris and Eliza Morris. They epitomize quiet strength and perseverance. I’ve observed them over the years and I find their silent resolve to be quite remarkable. At a time when businesses closed and renting space was a scary venture, the Morrises expanded their presence here on …
The Ferry Landing’s Kelp Kraken
COVID Testing at the Public School
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns II: Rome Arrival
Photo of the Day: What Rosario Sees
Walking Italy’s Scenic Towns I: The Planning
Friday Night’s Musicians & Acrobats

Orcas Center did it again. Friday night was yet another wonderful evening of entertainment at the Village Green for the Summer Series Finale. I didn’t even realize it was going to happen until I saw the aerial rope & silk apparatus erected a few hours beforehand, with accompanying acrobats warming …
Photo of the Day: Blackberry Everything
Orcas Island Fashions in Italy
Photo of the Day: Salamander Buddy
Photo of the Day: Trail into Town
Photo of the Day: Blackberry Breakfast
Photo of the Day: Peaceful Pond
Photo of the Day: View from Rosario’s Edge
An Afternoon Jaunt to Friday Harbor
Marathoning Around the World
Behind the Scenes at Faraways
Photo of the Day: Blackberry Accents
Photo of the Day: Eastsound’s Salvadorian Street Food
Film ~ Bono & Eugene Peterson: The Psalms
In-Person Addendum
The post before this one, “Church in Person,” was a post I wrote last week. I postdated it to come out today, and haven’t thought about it since. One of my readers – C.O. – reminded me that it went live today, and I thank her for reaching out. The …
Church in Person!
Life Through Louise Tucker’s Eyes
Brograss & The Talbott Brothers
Fabulous Low Tide Creatures
New Friends Atop Indian Island
The New Visitor Guide
Photo of the Day: Bridge Jumping
A Tragic Mistake
Faraways Boutique Live!
Women’s Sailing Classes
Photo of the Day: Amish Visitors
On the Radio
The Making of VBS
Vacation Bible School!
4th of July Laser Light Show
Last Day for the Magic Show
Our New Mayor – A Lizard
4th of July’s Refreshing Normalcy
Lum Farm on Coffelt Farm Preserve
Waiting for the Ferry in Anacortes
QR Code for Life on Orcas Island
Eating Tip at SeaTac Airport
The Kitchen
Skagit Valley from the Passenger Seat
Stalking Bullfrogs
The Making of Romeo & Juliet
Last Chance!

Tonight is the final performance of Romeo & Juliet at Orcas Christian School. The high schoolers and teachers are doing so well – the line memorization, the acting, the dancing, the costume-donning – it’s a feast for the eyes, ears, and soul! Especially after this quiet, isolated year! I’m bursting …
Romeo & Juliet – Tonight and Tomorrow!
Photo of the Day: West Sound Poppies
Lush Grounds at the Library
Our Island’s Only Town
Photo of the Day: Overlook
A Ride on the Evening Ferry
All’s a’Burstin’
Scenes from Town
What a Response to the Pandemic!
Lummi Nation Totem Pole Journey to DC
Photo of the Day: Fishing with Her Grandfather
Spring is Bursting
Photo of the Day: Chess at the Exchange

This is so quintessentially Orcas Island…random, rugged, intelligent… Greg Books and Fabrice van Putten in a spontaneous chess sesh, making brief intermittent moves in between placing incoming items and ringing up customers at The Exchange. Thank you, Fabrice, for letting me use the camera on your phone and emailing me …
Evening Olga
The Beauty of Orkila
Orcas Island Leather Goods
One Down, One to Go

One thousand doses made their way here today thanks to the National Guard. They’ve been to Orcas Center before for health workers, teachers, coaches, the immune-compromised, and folks 65 and up, and Ray’s Pharmacy has been vaccinating as well, but now vaccinations have been opened up to everyone 18 years …
Learning to Drive Here
Lizards with Ticks
Spring Radiance
Happy Easter!
Come Away With Me…
Salish Sea Yarn Co.
Be Wise, Islanders and Visitors
World History Icon Day at School
Drone Work, Tech Help, and Fixing
Snowboarding Mt Baker
Traveling at Home
Cohabitating with Moss, Mud, and Mold

The same moisture that leads to all of the green lushness and beautiful, undulating, moss-covered rocks here is also responsible for the unique growth that happens inside our houses, on our cars, and within any unfinished wood surface. You know you live in the Pacific Northwest when… You experience your …
Don’t Be Foolish, Texans
Current Local COVID Dashboard
Meet Aviator Matthew Carter
A Library Boost
Thank You
I just wanted to write a little note of thanks to all of you who reached out or asked about me after having seen my “Incapacitated” post. The hospital drugs wore off after a week and I felt quite good. I drove back to the same hospital to get an …
Out from the Cover of Darkness
Pandemic Quirk #10: Compounding Disinterest

In normal times, life on Orcas Island entails bumping into all kinds of people throughout the day, having interesting and meaningful conversations, and living in uplifting community with one another. If you’ve ever gone to church or studied the bible with other people, there’s a common phrase – a “God-shaped …
Snow Ice Cream for Breakfast
A Video Walking Tour
Out on the Snowy Streets
The Excitement of Snow!
Vitamin D
Garden Post Follow-up
Can’t Stop Hiking This Trail
Nature’s Hieroglyphics
The Emptiness is Filling

Some things you don’t imagine. I don’t think anyone ever imagined empty, quiet public schools. It’s been almost a year, and it’s been scarily quiet every time I’ve walked through the campus. Students through 3rd grade have recently been welcomed back, which is beyond wonderful for them, their teachers, their …
All or Nothing
Pandemic Quirk #9: The Great Amaryllis Race
Pandemic Quirk #8: Impulse Buys in Isolated Times

During an isolating pandemic that provides month after month of familial togetherness, what do you buy on impulse? Why, games, of course! We’ve played instruments. Bought tools. Seen movies. Tried foods. Read books aloud. Popped endless corn. Answered trivia. Exhausted Apples to Apples. Scattered our gories. But what? The board …
Pandemic Quirk #7: Exp-hair-imenting
Virtual Church in All the Beauty
Is This Really Where We Live?
The Toxic Term of Perpetual Self-Aggrandizement Has Finally Come to an End
Canoe Island’s French Pastries
Milkin’ This Weather
Pandemic, Politics, and Now a Power Outage?
Pandemic Quirk #6: Dinner – The Main Event

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not complaining. I am grateful for food; three meals a day; a grocery store minutes from our house with produce from around the world. But wow. With no community gatherings, family reunions, concerts, farmer’s markets, school events, or traveling, dinner has become the thing. …