Month: October 2022
A Friday Harbor Morning
October Scenes
Whale of a Show!
Happiness and Difficulty

Every person has a different natural bent. My natural state is happy contentment (unless someone else’s negative bent is put upon mine). Some have a natural state that rests in anxiety. Some are low and heavy. Some can’t sit still, and their comfortable place is an uncomfortable freneticism, perhaps even …
Orcas Choral Society is Singin’ It Up!
Seasonal Change and Halloween Are Upon Us
Orcas Community Resource Center
27 Things About Tony Ghazel
Hey Creative Folks: The Orcas Glass Challenge
Meet Marjorie Blaine

You may pass Marjorie along the road every day. She walks into town by choice each morning, wearing the funnest colors, patterns, and shoes regardless of weather and rain. I love that about her! She doesn’t let the gray weather of winter dissuade her from some personality, individuality, and flair. …