I took time away from this blog during most of August and September. We originally planned to move to California for a year, then had a lot of questions answered within mere weeks of being there (more on that later). After returning to Orcas Island, we drove our older son to college, came back, and a few weeks later I tore a ligament in my knee jumping off a one-wheel skateboard.
Normally I don’t mix a bunch of things together, but I wanted to catch up. Unfortunately, I completely missed the farm tour weekend due to my newly hurt knee that Saturday morning. I was headed out to visit farms dotting the island after dropping my son off at a birthday party. At the last minute, I borrowed a skateboard for a quick try. So unfortunately, no farm tour photos here. But I quickly got to put Tibetan monk Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche’s life advice to use: to make friends with adversity. In a nutshell, he spoke about how our mind is what decides what is good and what is bad, not necessarily our actual situations. So I am seeing the good in it! (Really.)

Alright, today I’ve blitzed you with several posts. the catching up is done. On to the present again…
Glad to have you back.