Summer beauty here is big and loud. Winter beauty here is often small and subtle, and usually in the palettes of grays, browns, and dark greens. Look closely enough and you’ll see a spark of orange. If you walk, as with any place, you often see what would normally be missed. No matter how much I want to add yellows and goldens and beams of sun rays to some photos, it just wouldn’t look that way in reality. But every now and then the sun peeks through…

Typical signs on Orcas

A little corner pond

Carless roads are not uncommon

An unfortunate flicker of color

Common winter grays and browns

Get me to that sunlight

A bucolic scene familiar to us all

A brief opening of blue sky

Mt Baker Farm

Ahhh, that sun is rare these days

Some specks of color

The familiar trail into town

The trail to the Christian School

A sign of life

A spotlight through the fog

Signs of life are everywhere
This is my favorite trails 😍
Yes yes!
Oh, my, such beauty that surrounds us and is shared by both of us and now with others is breath-taking! Good job of representing in pictures and words!