A Winter Jaunt to California’s Central Coast: Santa Barbara, Cambria, and Cayucos

The desire for sunshine fuels motivation for those of us Northwest folk who feel dampened by the cold and clouds. While Orcas Island has been home for our family since 2012 when we moved here from California’s coastal perma-sun, Santa Barbara, Cambria, and several other towns dotting the Central Coast up to the Big Sur Highway will still always feel like home away from home.

This is one of those instances in which you, too, may need a blast of sunshine and a boost from perusing a fellow islander’s vacation experiences. That’s what happened to me in early December when I saw a friend’s photos of her family standing on a sunny beach near Santa Cruz. I knew that while we were able, we too needed to make a trip to the sun, the surf, and the beach. Lots of difficulty has come our way in the past years, and I felt the pull to make this happen. As a neighbor of ours once pointed out, you need to do things when you are able. There will be times when you cannot and you will regret the things you could have done but didn’t.

May something in this post bring you enjoyment and inspiration of your own…


  1. Nostalgic memories. Spent 4 years in Santa Barbara at Westmont College. Definitely some real estate in my heart, but not as large as that of OI. Thanks for the pictures!

  2. Beautiful pictures!!! Glad you had such a wonderful sunny and warm visit!! Miss you!

  3. Edee! What a fun little trip it looks like you had. Sorry I missed you, as well… Seeing the pics of moonstone Beach where we used to swim made me nostalgic. Same with the Cayucos pics. Much love to you and your family! I’m glad to see that you are out there exploring and enjoying our old neck of the woods.

  4. Thanks as always — We live on Orcas “summers” (Anchor Rock Ln since 2014) — in Santa Barbara the rest since 1978. I’ve been enjoying your columns since the beginning. I remember it was fun to read from you who the guy running all around Eastsound shirtless was. I take pics most days with my iPhone (north as far as the elephant seal beach, south to Ojai or so as we move around in Nature…20,000+ since retiring in ‘07)

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