You most likely know who Alexei Navalny is. If not, you must learn about him:
- He protested and stood up bravely and repeatedly to Putin’s corruption
- He was repeatedly imprisoned
- He was poisoned, almost fatally, with a chemical nerve agent by Russia’s Federal Security Service
- He was transferred to a German hospital
- He recovered, returned to Moscow, and was immediately imprisoned in a Siberian penal colony
- He died in prison on February 16th at the age of 47, no doubt due to harm
- According to Wikipedia, the Russian constitution was amended in 2020 to reset the number of terms Putin has served, allowing him to circumvent term limits in the 2024 and 2030 elections, enabling him to legally stay in office until 2036
- Putin is 71. In 2036 he will be 93
My family watched the following documentary about Navalny when it came out two years ago. You need to watch it if you haven’t yet seen it. Here is the trailer:

The prison Navalny died in:
His funeral:

His wife:
His message to the people in the event of being killed:

June 4, 1976 – February 16, 2024
This is not goodbye, birthday buddy…
Obviously, none of these photos are mine, and this has nothing to do with Orcas Island. But it is more important than anything I could write on this blog.
Great tribute….to remember
Thank you Andy!