

Photos by Evan Kulper. I love this cartoon filter he has on his phone, and the way it makes nature photos look.
Photos by Evan Kulper. I love this cartoon filter he has on his phone, and the way it makes nature photos look.
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I received your link from Michele Wiley. After working at WaFed and living on Orcas for 40 plus years it is refreshing to see your take on island life. I look forward to following your journey. We now live in AZ and are retired RVers and adventure seekers. My Orcas story includes being a juror on the Neslund trial in the 80’s as well as a child molestation case. Lived aboard a boat for a few years and build 4 homes. I do miss island life at times, but I can get in my car and go anywhere I want without ferry delays. Life is truly an adventure and again, I just love these photos.
Oh, you have interesting stories – that’s what I love about Orcas – there’s time to hear everyone’s stories! I love the idea about jumping in the car and going all kinds of places without ferries and waiting. 12 hours for a 20-min appointment is a hard trade-off after awhile, but the beauty so far outweighs that.