Local biologist and author Thor Hanson’s latest book is called Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid. He often does speaking events, and I believe he’s in the middle of a Zoom talk right now for the Orcas Island Garden Club.

Thor is quite the phenom, which is why I highlighted him and his books in my book (page 68 of Life on Orcas Island). We’re a big nature family, and you’ll find his books stacked in my mom’s apartment. He writes about the miracles in feathers, seeds, bees, and more.

When our older son was homeschooling years ago, we attended an all-day master gardener’s workshop in Friday Harbor in which Thor was a featured speaker. He fascinatingly imparted some of the knowledge you’ll find in his book The Triumph of Seeds: How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, & Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History.
If you’d like to see him, his next local event is a Zoom for the Lopez Island Garden Club on October 15th. You can find him in various places across the internet as well…
Watch him talk about climate change here:
Watch him answer biology questions here:
Or watch him talk about feathers here:
I hope you enjoyed acquainting yourself with Thor, and I’ll see you at one of his future talks!

These photos are screenshots from one of his WIRED videos above.
Thanks, Edee – I enjoy reading your blog. Thor Hansen is someone I have wanted to see live for some time; he is an engaging writer and an even more engaging speaker – I’m hooked on these delightful youtube videosl! I love the enthusiastic way he nerds-out on biology! Must try to attend that Oct. zoom event.