If you haven’t been here yet, you need to go…

This is a new shop right near the ferry, and it feels so good that you won’t want to leave. The trio of women who masterminded it made a space that pulls you in and keeps you there – from the scents of the artisan soaps and lotions and the beauty of the eye-catching products to the stunning views hovering over the water and the soothing, enjoyable music, you’ll have a hard time walking out the door. Not only that, how often can you find treasures under $10 on Orcas Island? I bought a really nice pair of silver earrings for $7 and an antique mother of pearl necklace for $7 not only because I was drawn to them but, I mean, $14?!
I don’t talk up just any place. They had me at hello and could barely get rid of me.
Come along on a visual tour and see the sparkle created and curated by Shawna Villalvazo, Gillan Jones, and Annie McIntyre…

More on the women behind Boardwalk Collective & The Bubblery:

From Shawna Villalvazo’s Bubblery website:
Shawna Villavazo has been formulating herbal blends and oils for over 27 years, starting out in 1996 traveling to pop-up events, renaissance faires, and farmers markets before finally expanding her business and starting her very own skin care company. She eventually found herself in Leavenworth, Washington where ‘The Bubblery’ was founded in 2010 and has been growing ever since!

From Gillian Jones’s Orcas Island Tarot website:
Intuitive and realistic, Gillian Jones has adapted to flow with the wild waves of life through many adventures. A clairsentient with a deep appreciation for the unknown wonders of the world, Gillian uses tarot as a tool to help her unlock her full potential, and she’s excited to share her gifts with others. Her unique approach ensures that you feel seen and heard every step of the way. As a child, she resonated with a sense of intuition and divine guidance, but it wasn’t until her early adulthood that she moved towards trusting and leaning into that inner universal voice. When she began to receive vivid dreams of an unknown city as she was moving towards a more socially traditional commitment, Gillian broke away and followed the path to Los Angeles. She found herself immediately immersed in transformation that led her journey to Sonoma, California. Under the bold blue skies and countless twisting oak trees, Gillian began a more formal study of metaphysics and the nature of personal energy with the guidance of Shama Besley. In 2020, the pandemic created space for further expansion, and Gillian arrived on Orcas Island the following spring. Like many folks who come to the island, she came seeking peace and clarity of purpose. Having made Eastsound her home now for several years, Gillian talks freely about the love found within this community of people and of trees and mountains by the sea. As a spiritual traveler and mystic, Gillian draws deep insight and wisdom from these myriad adventures of her own life on this earth. Her greatest joy is to share and collaborate with other students of the Mystery.

From Annie McIntyre’s Warm Valley Farm website:
Annie fell in love with Warm Valley Farm the moment she stepped onto the land. It just sang with possibilities. Annie’s experience with gardening started at a very young age. Her lineage has a host of women growers. Her great grandmother born in the 1880s was a landscape designer in Texas, her mother and grandmother shared her love of gardening, and her stepmother is a Master Gardener. Annie has spent a lot of time with her hands in the soil, or wrapped around a pair of pruners. Becoming one of the stewards of Warm Valley Farm is an honor, a challenge, and a labor of love. She has happily dedicated herself to farming, and growing in all ways possible as a person of the soil. Annie’s past work history includes 25+ years of interior and functional building design, as well as a 10-year career in music as singer and songwriter for the AnnieMac band. Annie’s roles at Warm Valley Farm include management, teaching, design and planning, restoration and building, marketing, grant writing, events, sales, curating the vintage shop, growing cut flowers, and operating the farmstand.
In Boardwalk Collective & The Bubblery, you will find a collaboration that melds all of these interests into a sensory experience that communicates an intentionality rooted in purely a labor of love.