Saturday night was the final Orcas Island Film Festival party at the Odd Fellows Hall – a Bollywood Disco Dance! It was a blast and there was a great turnout. DJ Prashant, from Portland, entertained us with music and two dancers who taught us Bollywood moves every few songs throughout the night until midnight.

Back to DJ Prashant… What a charismatic, fun guy!

He’s originally from Mumbai and has created quite a brand for himself through his music, singing, DJing, dancing, touring, everythinging! And what a nice person he is too. His wife and her parents were there at the dance, and her parents were visiting from India.

Donna Laslo learned a dance called the Jai Ho from DJ Prashant years ago, then had a chance meeting with him on the set of a TV show and realized she knew him. She was wanting a really fun element for the final Film Festival party, and asked if he would DJ it. What a blast we all had thanks to him!
Here’s a little more on him and what he does:
Here’s a TEDx talk he did several years ago, first about what Bollywood is and then he goes into his life growing up in India, being a grad student in engineering at Cornell and working for Intel, and realizing his true passion and stepping out into DJing and teaching Bollywood dancing in cities across the country. At the end of it, he will teach YOU the Jai Ho, and encourage you to follow your heart…
Thank you, Donna, for bringing him and his team to Orcas to wrap up the Film Festival nights with dancing and joyfulness! Orcas Island needs a big community dance like this every week or month during the dark months!
And thank you, DJ Prashant. You and your family are ALWAYS welcome here!
To book a party with his company, Bollywood Dreams Entertainment, go to his website here.

Thanks to everyone’s hard work over this past weekend with 40 films and lots of entertaining in-betweens. See ya next year, Orcas Island Film Festival…

Thank you so much for this blog post & for dancing your heart out with me Saturday night. It’s so lovely to relive the night from your perspective, all over again. I am excited about the possibility of adding a dash of color to the spring time in Orcas by bringing HOLI to the village green, end of March! ✨🙌🏽
That would be AWESOME!!!!!! Please come and do that!!!!