This is another one of my favorite events on Orcas. Don’t miss it!!! It’s this Sunday, December 3rd, from 12-2 PM at the library. All the items for sale are handmade by the kids and will be priced from a quarter to no more than $10. Entry is free and purchases are cash only.
Here are some examples of what we’ve seen through the years…

It’s so fun to see what the kids come up with. As in previous years, you can also go to the “courtyard cafe” on the back side of the library overlooking the garden for a hot drink and edibles.
Remember how it all began? Inside Salmonberry, on the same day as the Senior Center Market. People would pack into Salmonberry on a cold winter day, perusing the children’s creative wares and snacking on their fantastic homemade goodies, then head over to the Senior Center Market. Recognize some of these kids and what they were selling?…

Bring a wad o’ cash for gifts and goodies and we’ll see ya there!