There are a lot of things that happen on Orcas that don’t happen anywhere else. Or at least I never experienced them until moving here.
One thing that’s “so Orcas” is the monthly Community Dinners at Orcas Christian School every January, February, and March.
These are not potlucks. They are not dinners you pay for. These are all-out amazing Italian, Mexican, and Chinese dinners that are cooked, served, and cleaned up after by dozens of people who volunteer to put gobs of work into it. They even use real dishes and wash them all – no garbage is created – I love that. Everyone on the island is invited.

When we moved here and enrolled our older son in 1st grade, we were new to these. I couldn’t help but wonder why they would do all that work to serve the community one meal. It is a boatload of work to prepare for, and I almost felt bad about all that work being done.
I got over it. Now, over six years later, I almost can’t believe it but we’ve been to 19 of them and loved every one. It is rare that I am cooked for, so to have one beautiful meal full of options and flavor that I never plan or chop, wowwwww. I’m shocked that all 2,000+ islanders don’t come out. Maybe they think there’s some sort of catch. There isn’t.

Aside from the food itself, the communal nature of the dinners is wonderful. It’s like a mini version of Orcas Island in a room together eating, laughing, sharing stories, and getting to know each other better. You just don’t experience things like this on the mainland.
Next time you see a sign out on the road about the upcoming Community Dinner in February or March from 5-7:30, go! You can drop in at whatever time works for you, like a restaurant. You’ll love it!