“You may know Evan Kulper because he’s helped you with your computer. Or perhaps you attended “Tech Time” at the Senior Center, where for three years he volunteered to show seniors how to use their devices. Maybe you happened upon the underwater ROV he built and demonstrated at the Funhouse Science Fair several years back. Or you recognize the kid who has been zooming down the street on a hoverboard or electric skateboard to get to school.
“High School freshman Evan Kulper came out of the womb wanting to know how things work. At three, his mom recalls him exclaiming, “I wuv engineews!” He spent his childhood devouring books about how things work, bringing head-high stacks home from the library each week, year after year. His parents got their hands on as many kits as they could find for him in building, mechanics, electrical wiring, chemistry, and anything hands-on. He joined the robotics clubs at the Funhouse and at Orcas Christian School, and when he ran out of things to do, he made his own mechanisms from scratch.” (Or co-piloted planes thanks to the annual Young Eagles Day.)
“For four years he has worked for Bob and Iris Eastman, doing manual labor from wood-splitting to post-hole-digging on their property, which enabled him to save up and buy drones, devices, 3D printers, and transportation to school over the years. He also loves photography and video editing, and learned from the professionals at Mile 80 thanks to an internship two summers ago.
“Evan aims to find additional work this spring and summer from anyone who is in need of drone aerials and editing, help with their computers or iPhones, or fixing of beloved broken mechanical or electrical items.
“If you would like to hire him for a project or need a quick fix by donation, call him at 376-2766.”

This article was in the March 17th issue of The Islands’ Sounder. (He’s our son.)