I’m frugal, frugal, frugal.
Eight years ago, I knew Orcas Island was for us when I discovered there were three used clothing stores within a three-block radius. Torture for me is walking around a retail store, burdened by the idea of buying any item for more than $20. I wear things until they’re full of holes and shreds. That’s when they’re most comfortable!
I don’t like to spend money unless I have to. I don’t buy coffee, I don’t buy goodies unless they’re day-old price, I don’t buy fun things unless they’re for someone else, and I only buy full-price items if someone gives me a gift card to a store.
There’s only one thing I splurge on – Endswell Bakehouse bread. It’s a whopping $6.99 for a not-so-large loaf, but it’s one of the most satisfying things I ever eat, so I do it now and then.
I’m a bread person. Serve me pasta and all I want is the basket of bread on the side. A meal without some grounding in bread or some cereal grain leaves me hungry. I love good, quality, from-the-ground bread.
I grew up with a mom who dieted and thought of bread as evil. If her only option back then was Wonder Bread, then it may have been. It took me years to get out from under that breadjudice and embrace all the new breads in the way they deserved. I’m bread’s #1 fan, and yes, I plan to eat it happily.
Bread-making wasn’t all the rage many years ago where we used to live, so the closest-to-the-ground bread I could find was Ezekiel. My kids grew up on it. I think I’ve bought about 10 loaves of white-ish bread-aisle bread in their lives. How they long for white bread.
I pined for Trader Joes’ Corn and Oat Groat bread when it stopped being made. I used to buy a loaf and carry it around all day in college when I knew I wouldn’t have time to make a meal.
Now, I go to the Co-op or Island Market on an Endswell Bakehouse bread day, and there it is – my beloved Toasted Sesame. Or should I get the 100% Whole Wheat with Brown Sugar and Oats? They’re both perfect examples of freshly home-baked, local-grain, wild-yeast, organic, overnight-fermented, crusty-on-the-outside-yet-moist-in-the middle-without-sourishness-or-blandness breads that taste exactly how I think bread should taste.
Unfortunately, it all stopped several months ago due to the baker’s dough-kneading shoulder pull. I went for bread everywhere else, but nothing could compare to my Endswell sesame.
Thankfully, she’s recovering well and baking once or twice a week.
I was going to show you photos of the loaves I bought this morning, but here’s what remains…
The 100% Whole Wheat with Brown Sugar and Oats…

Its heavenly crusty underside…

And the Toasted Sesame Sourdough with a few leftover sesame seeds from the bag stuck to it (it was delightfully tasty and pretty to start with)…

If you want more information on the days Endswell delivers bread to local stores, contact Heather Immoor through her website. She’s looking for a bigger industrial bread-baking space, as demand has overwhelmed her current space, so let her know if you have any ideas.
And be sure to say hello to Matt, her husband, the next time you take your bike in for a repair at Wildlife Cycles.