Entrepreneurial Suggestions II


  1. All I want ia a simple place to get a “good” NY bagel, slice of pizza, or bowl of pho`

  2. One thing I have learned about this community is that it is not shy to share feelings, and social media tends to give people a green flag when it comes to airing their emotions without editing.
    I, like you, believe that there is a place for a inexpensive eatery, and feeling that way doesn’t speak against or take anything away from the wonderful establishments that currently exist. As you say, it may not be possible given the current economic conditions, but if there was a way to make it happen, it would be a blessing to individuals and families who otherwise can’t afford to go out at all…. what is wrong with that?

    I also believe that everyone has the right to cut down on their own consumerism. I applaud you for buying second hand. Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle is a virtue, not something to be shamed over.
    I love your blog commitment to your community. Thank you for all you do.

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