Take a look at the following festivities that we islanders have grown so accustomed to celebrating together throughout the year, every year…
- Seniors Have Talent show at the Senior Center (November)
- Hops on the Rock in Eastsound (November)
- Clay Cafe in the Public School art room (November)
- Community Thanksgiving Potluck at the Odd Fellows Hall (November)
- Gingerbread Contest at the Funhouse and Island Market (December)
- Christmas Tree Lighting at the Village Green (December)
- Orcas Choral Society Holiday Carols in Eastsound (December)
- Holiday Tea at the Library (December)
- Celtic Christmas Concert at the Community Church (December)
- Holiday Artisan’s Faire at the Odd Fellows Hall (December)
- Children’s Christmas Market at the Library (December)
- Orcas Island Community Band Concert at Orcas Center (December)
- Holiday Bazaar at the American Legion (December)
- Festival of Trees at Rosario Resort (December)
- Orcas Choral Society Holiday Concert (December)
- Santa Ship in Deer Harbor and Deer Harbor Community Club (December)
- Santa Ship at Orcas Ferry Landing (December)
- Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols at Emmanual Episcopal Church
- Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Orcas Island Community Church
- Polar Bear Plunge at Cascade Lake (New Years Day)
- 50K Race in Moran State Park (January)
- Three Free Community Dinners at Orcas Christian School (January, February, March)
- Ocean Night Marine Science Lecture Series at Sea View Theatre (Winter)
- Orcas Has Talent adult show at Orcas Center (February)
- 100-mile Race in Moran State Park (February)
- Paper Airplane Contest sponsored by Kiwanis Club at the Public School gym (March)
- MAG (Music Advocacy Group) Concert with over 100 students (March)
- Friends of the Library Book Sale (March)
- Bill Yarlott Fishing Derby at Cascade Lake (April)
- Science Fair at the Public School cafeteria (April)
- Clay Cafe in the Public School art room (April)
- Kids’ Variety Show at Orcas Center (April)
- Camp Orkila’s Spring ROAR mud run (April)
- Eastsound Spring Regatta at the Yacht Club (April)
- Orcas Island Literary Fest (April)
- Saturday Farmers’ Market at the Village Green in the summer (10-3, May to September)
- Ongoing plays and concerts at The Orcas Center (Year-round)
- Woman in the Woods Productions pairing performances and culinary experiences (Year-round)
- Free monthly dance classes at the Odd Fellows Hall with Bill & Friends – Waltz, Tango, Salsa, etc. (Year-round)
- Garden Club monthly speakers at Orcas Center (Year-round)
- 50-mile Race, Marathon, Half Marathon, and Kids’ Race in Moran State Park (May)
- Pet Parade in Eastsound (May)
- Various and sundry weekly kids’ camps at Salmonberry, the Funhouse, Orcas Park & Rec, etc. (June – September)
- Junior Sailing and Women’s Sailing at the Yacht Club (June – September)
- Island Aerial Acrobatics (“silks”) workshops for kids and adults (Year-round)
- Zumba classes (Year-round)
- Young Eagles Day of free flights by local pilots to island kids (June)
- Rosario Resort Music Concerts by Christopher Peacock (4 PM, Tues – Sat, June – September)
- Summer Reading Program at the Library (Summer)
- Wednesday Afternoons at the Movies at the Library (Summer)
- BMX Biking with Wildlife Cycles at Camp Orkila on Tuesday evenings (Summer)
- Summer Solstice Parade (June)
- Island Hardware & Supply Celebration (June)
- Orcas Island Community Band Concert at Orcas Center (June)
- Orcas Island Garden Tour (June)
- Vacation Bible School week at Orcas Island Community Church (July)
- Deer Harbor Fireworks (July 3rd)
- 4th of July morning 5K & Kids’ 1K
- 4th of July Pancake Breakfast and Lions Club Salmon BBQ at the Fire Station
- 4th of July Parade, Pie Booth, and Mayoral Pet Election at the Village Green
- 4th of July Fireworks off the barge in Eastsound
- 4th of July Laser Light Show at Mt. Baker Farm
- Magic shows by local 16-year-old phenom, Matthew the Magician
- Cider and Mead Festival (July)
- Market Day at Emmanuel Episcopal Church (July)
- Saturday Pancake Breakfasts at the Fire Station (a few in summer)
- Fly-in weekend at the Eastsound Airport (August)
- The San Juan County Fair on San Juan Island (August)
- Orcas Island Artists’ Studio Tour (August)
- Doe Bay Fest (August)
- Chamber Music Festival (August)
- Library Fair (August)
- Wild and Scenic Film Festival (September)
- Orcas Island Jazz Festival (September)
- Deer Harbor Wooden Boat Rendezvous (September)
- Imagine Music & Arts Festival in Doe Bay (September)
- Saturday Farmers’ Indoor Fall Market at the Odd Fellows Hall (October – November)
- Whale of a Show talent show for kids (October)
- Orcas Island Farm Tour (October)
- Orcas Island Film Festival (October)
- Camp Orkila Fall Festival & Haunted Hay Ride (October)
- Fall Harvest Festival at Mt Baker Farm (October)
- Halloween Trick-or-Treating Downtown (October)
- Community Church Fall Festival on Halloween (October)
- Odd Fellows Hall Halloween Festivities, Movie, and Dance (October)
To think we have had to set most of these aside for two years is more than a little daunting. Remember that the way things are right now is not a normal state of being for us. We are accustomed to celebrating anything and everything together. On the days that you’re feeling blah or low and can’t figure out why, this is why.
We knew each other’s stories, highlights, and hardships because community events kept us current. Days would be so full of excitement, laughter, and sensory stimulation that at times we’d intentionally scale back just to make sure we had time to rest and just “be” rather than “do.”
The Village Green after the Solstice Parade Community Thanksgiving at the Odd Fellows Hall The Holiday Artisan’s Faire at the Odd Fellows Hall The Holiday Library Tea
Today, I know very little about what’s happening with everyone. If you happened to move here during these quiet times, know that I feel as unconnected with the community as you do, and we’ve been here a decade. You may feel lonely; unknown. It’s not you, it’s all of us (or at least a lot of us).
As we reminisce about the Orcas we remember, we can remind ourselves to rekindle all of the excitement as we are able to.
Hang on – this won’t be the new normal forever. The horizon is brightening!
You can also find this on the November 14th Sun Days column on The Orcasonian here.