If you don’t know Frank Loudin, you’re missing out. He may have just turned 93 (on July 6), but his youthfulness precedes him. Not only is he lighthearted, funny, and highly skilled as an artist, he is now the published author of a book of short stories written over the past few decades called Yarns: Stories From the Way We Were, Based on a Few Actual Facts.
Frank’s humorous stories span everything from growing up in the 1930s and ’40s (think first love, first kiss, first few seconds of game time on the clock on the varsity basketball team) and selling his paintings alongside quirky artists at an annual outdoor art show on Catalina Island to road-tripping with his beloved Jannie and hanging out for morning coffee with Orcas Island’s “Teezer’s Geezers.”
Mark your calendars for Thursday, July 20 from 11 a.m. to noonish at Darvill’s Bookstore, where Frank will introduce his new book and hold an author’s signing.

This article is in The Islands’ Sounder today (July 12, 2023)
I only spent one afternoon with Frank, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience! Can’t wait to see the book!!!
Edee, we’ll be in Cincinatti during the signing, but if you can get one signed for me I will be very grateful… I can Venmo you or whatever works, ok?