Gifts from the Wind

Our last lake day was September 6th, twenty days ago. Then came the smoke. Then the fog. Then the wind.

Then the rain.

The gifts of introversion and introspection have begun, abruptly and a little early this year.

Today was a morning of fall cleaning. Of putting some sparkle into the indoor life we will now be living for the most part, unless October brings unexpected sunshine.

It’s an afternoon of endless homemade-pizza-slice-eating, snuggling, and software optimizing…

Of card-making…

Of movie watching (A Series of Unfortunate Events – very well-made, I must say).

And of apple-cutting…

One of the gifts of the wind in this season is the raining down of apples and pears around town…

Never underestimate the bounty on the ground. With a little slicing-off of bruised flesh…

You end up with mountains of wonderful fruit…

This isn’t even the half of it.

May you enjoy your inside time with loved ones, and find the sparkle in life.


  1. Every time my parents visited us in CO, Mom would go into the neighbor’s yard and pick all the fallen apples. Green, punk, buggy little apples, but she would trim all that off and make a nice stewed-apple dessert.

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