I was in the right place at the right time with no camera. How fun it would have been to show Orcas Island High school’s Homecoming parade in Eastsound on Friday. Oh well. Thank you, Debbie Post, for this photo of Bill Perry, OIHS Class of 1962, here at Homecoming 2022 at the Village Green as the class floats pulled in. How cool is that?

Off to the Homecoming soccer game…

Cal and Terri Rodgers and Pete Moe take a breather after cookin’ up 130+ hamburgers for game watchers. (They’re waiting for the grill to cool down.)

How fun it would have been to be a fly on the wall at the Homecoming dance on Saturday too. It’s so rare to see kids dressed up all fancily – I bet that was really fun to observe.
The Film Festival was this weekend as well, and we saw some fantastic movies. Our first one was Wildcat, which was pretty riveting (“Harry Turner, a British war vet crippled by depression and PTSD, arrives at an animal rescue program deep in the Peruvian jungle, and finds solace while nurturing an orphaned baby ocelot.”) I wish I had a trailer to show you, but the documentary will be out on Amazon Prime in December. I would recommend it to anyone (except young children; but high schoolers, yes).
Harry (middle below) and the director, Trevor Beck Frost (left), attended and answered questions afterward.

We also saw All That Breathes, about three men in New Delhi, India, who work around the clock to save endangered black kites that are overlooked by most people around them. I thought it was beautifully made. Here’s the trailer:
Our son went to Good Night Oppy with his high school yesterday morning, and Argentina 1985 last night with other students in one of his classes for extra credit. He said they were both really good.
Thank you, Donna Laslo, for all you do to help make this festival happen each year.

What a beautiful October we’re having. It’s making up for the fact that sunshine didn’t officially come out permanently for summertime until the beginning of July. Here’s a stunning day at the skateboard park.

And a stunning day at the beach as well…