Guest Speaker Bruce Pavitt at the Library Last Saturday

Bruce Pavitt (born March 7, 1959) is an American music historian, critic, DJ, speaker, author, and founder of the Sub Pop record label.

He is most famous for creating the Grunge music phenomenon in the early 1990s. Pavitt not only released the first albums by Soundgarden, Mudhoney, and Nirvana, but equally important, built a compelling narrative of the Seattle music scene in the international press that captured the world’s imagination.

It’s always fascinating to hear from all different walks of life, and if you are interested in reading more from Bruce’s website, click here (the photos above are also from his site).

Our little community got a taste of his life experiences this past weekend at Orcas Library…

Thank you, Library, for all you do to add richness to our community.

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