Our first community event since March was such a nice thing! My 10-year-old had to remind me to really be with him, as my excitement was almost pure adrenaline, talking to people and walking around near groups of other humans!
As always, Orcas Islanders didn’t disappoint. Here’s a little visual feast of the short but lovely evening (3:00 – 5:30 PM). Two-and-a-half hours fly by when it’s your one shot to see more people in one place than you have for months. (People were really good about allowing space and wearing masks. Where you see people next to each other, they are related or in each other’s ‘quaranteam’ already.)
How do women do this for HOURS???
4 PM – A little late for the 3 PM start due to costume complications Who knew chutes would be the new normal? Cute. Yeah Melanie! – Yin and yang These adults rocked it! 7 PM….Ah…Happy to be back to me!
Thanks so much to everyone who made the night happen!!!
I sure hope our town decides to have more outdoor community events in celebration of the different holidays coming up. It’s so do-able since we’re out in the fresh air, distanced, and masked.
Thanks for all the great photos. Missed you at Sequel . Love your costume! It was spot on and your hair looked great. Time to start thinking about next year…
Thanks Debbie! Y’all make it happen for me!
Thanks Debbie!! I’m drawn to The Mandalorian, but that’s quite a costume to make! 🙂
That was fun!
(it was windy and freezing here, so I enjoyed it through your eyes. great costume!)
Thanks Jack!
Thanks for capturing all the excitement, Edee. You were right, Orcas Islanders didn’t disappoint. And you looked amazing!
Thank you Pippi!!
So glad I read about your Halloween. Also I read your memorial to your dad. I wouldn’t give for all of my memories of your family. ……and of Orcas ! Zella Meeks
Zella!!!! Hello!!!! So good to hear from you through the blog! The name Zella Meeks will always go with our family, especially with memories of Daingerfield!