You might love some cheering up for Easter. If you’d like to attend one of Orcas Island Community Church’s Easter services tomorrow, there will be an in-person, outdoor sunrise service at 6:30 AM out in OICC’s backyard, which you can also watch livestreaming here:
There will also be an in-person service inside the church at 8 AM, and an in-person service inside the church at 10 AM, which you can also watch livestreaming here:
I’m personally super excited. I haven’t been to church in person very often, tending to watch online from home for the simple reason that although the masks and distancing at church has been done really well all along, it’s still been kind of a sad feeling to not be able to sit elbow-to-elbow, hug each other, and congregate closely with one another. (Not that I’ve wanted to do those things during the pandemic.) Watching online has kept me from feeling disappointed about seeing the small percentage of the congregation that goes and not being able to really enjoy them fully. But with things changing and hope in the air thanks to vaccines and spring sunshine, I’m excited to start going back.
The sunrise Easter service is a staple of our church, and it usually happens on Mt Constitution, but I’m thrilled nonetheless that it will happen in the church’s field. Outdoor gatherings have proven to be quite safe, and it will feel so nice to enjoy a festive morning together. I might even go home and change into some nice clothes – a first during this I’m-wearing-sweats-for-months-on-end kind of year – and go to the 8 AM service too. How ridiculously long it’s been since I’ve dressed up for anything. (Not to get too shallow, God.)
If you, too, are needing to feel celebratory, come down to the church or tune in on YouTube from your living room. I think we’re all needing resurrection from the grave in more ways than one.