Last week some wonderful moments of closure happened. How we all have been needing events again that mark important milestones, endings, and beginnings in life.
I purposely left my camera at home for graduation at OCS. I wanted to soak in every last second honoring the five graduates. We have known two of them since we moved here ten years ago, and I’ve chaperoned field trips with all five.
It was so lovely, meaningful, and teary. The flow of tears began when Cadence Kraayeveld played his guitar and sang “Unsung Hero” by For King and Country – a song written to honor mothers. As the ceremony continued, laughter ensued when Miss Becca (the math teacher) read letters that were resurrected from the students’ freshman year – letters they were asked to write to their future, graduating selves. Hilarious! Everything about the evening was beautiful. If you’d like to watch it on Orcas Christian School’s Facebook page, click here:
After two-plus years without important ceremonies, I hadn’t had enough. Even though I don’t know the senior class at Orcas Island High School very well, I decided I needed another meaningful ceremony in my bones. This time I brought my camera…

Here’s the senior video that was played during the ceremony, which was filmed and edited by the talented Erin and Emily Bennett of Orcas Video:
This is Willow White, the valedictorian:

The new graduates:
And the new tradition, which began during COVID, is the car parade after the ceremony…

Congratulations, all members of graduating classes of 2022!!