Adorning the Village Green tree with lights
The Christmas season is upon us, which means that here on Orcas Island the magic continues. Saturdays, especially, begin to fill with all kinds of activities that are unique to our island.
Today, for instance, we’ll be headed to the Santa Ship in Deer Harbor, which will deposit Santa on land. He will then be escorted to the Deer Harbor Community Center for a morning of gift-giving, cookie-eating, and Christmas-ing for any kids – local or not – who want to line up and sit on his lap. It’s quite an amazing, generous thing to experience.
After that, we’ll be making a bee-line for the Library Tea, a large yet cozy community gathering with music, amazing spreads of goodies, and lots of cheer.
Then tonight the Island Inspiration All Stars, the Orcas dance group, will perform at Orcas Center at 7:30. It’s their third and last performance this weekend and they are fabulous. Go to this link and scroll down to play the video on their site to get a taste of their talent. I’m a groupie of theirs and am always blown away at their performances every few months.
Tomorrow, since we can’t fit it in today, we’ll head to the Odd Fellows Hall for the Artisan’s Faire, which you shouldn’t miss – all kinds of local creations in a cozy, sparkling, warm atmosphere.
We’ll see you around town, enjoying the love of the season!