Holing up translates into doing a lot of things we either didn’t do or didn’t have time for before the Coronavirus stay-at-home mandate.
Spending more time at home together, I’m enjoying watching or partaking in some of the art projects my son’s teacher has been assigning.
Like the ‘henna hand’ – plaster of paris that hardens in a glove and gets decorated with permanent markers…

Or watercoloring irises Van Gogh style…

And yesterday, my favorite – finding pictures of art and remaking them out of household items. I had so much fun doing my own, I was laughing as I walked through the house imagining what I’d use…
I was feeling so artistic, I decided to act on my hair-cutting hemming and hawing over the last month. I took a foot off…
This is the first year I’m gardening indoors, hoping to defy the birds and slugs while my babies are so tender. It’s hailing right now, so I’m so glad I haven’t yet transplanted these living room seedlings into the garden.

I hear of people doing all kinds of wonderful activities during this strange time – sewing masks, learning Italian on Duolingo, baking bread, working in the wood shop, etc.
I’d love to know what you’re doing.