I Will Not Stand Down Any Longer

I’ve had to pause the debate and write. Political commentary is not going to be the new trend of this blog, just a tiny, necessary intermission for a moment.

This is what I’ve learned from Trump over the years:

  • You can do anything you want to do in this life if you’re confident enough
  • You can have the highest office in the land if you tell people you are the best at everything
  • Being President these days doesn’t mean you’re the wisest, the most knowledgeable, or the best decision-maker, it just means you’ve gotten the most people to believe whatever you say
  • People will believe whatever you tell them confidently or cockily, despite what is true
  • Creating fear creates followers
  • Millions of people will believe whatever they want to hear, despite what is false
  • Someone can be blatantly cruel to others and somehow still gain more followers (how many times can he say awful things about Mexicans and other immigrants being murderers, insane people, and terrorists and still more people follow him?)
  • You can call a whole neighboring country awful names yet millions in your own country believe in your benevolence
  • You can violate women, tell people you didn’t, and somehow millions of women will support you
  • You can say you’re a Christian, even though your words and actions so obviously betray you, and millions of Christians will still believe you
  • Any person with a selfish agenda is capable of hoodwinking others
  • Our presidential options communicate that of all the brilliant people in our country, our lack of thousands or hundreds or even handfuls of candidate options means our political system is broken, our people are desperate for leadership, and our masses need higher levels of education
  • Not even being a freshly convicted felon 34 times over can keep you from immediately living out your dreams
  • There are loopholes in even the most important job’s list of requirements
  • Awful words and lies make my gut wrench, and nothing makes my gut wrench the way Trump’s harmful words do
  • A cadaver would do less harm than an untrustworthy egomaniac
  • Last time around, I believed in staying peaceful for peace’s sake; this time around, I believe it is imperative to stand up for what is right and stand against what is wrong

I will not stand down any longer.


  1. Well said. Truth bombs, all of them.
    It appears half our country has completely lost (or decidedly let go of) they’re critical thinking skills. Dumbing down our nation is yet another agenda of MAGA, and their transparency policies being pushed through is evidence of that.

  2. I am in complete agreement with you. Now what can be done about this issue we face?

  3. Thank you for this. You express everything I am trying to understand.

  4. Edie… kudos to you and you are so right! We are complicit if we keep silent. I pray for true and effective leadership

  5. stephanie clair

    I love and admire you girlfriend! Too many people stay quiet and follow the herd. Stand up for what you believe in, it’s the important truth we all must learn.- especially now more then ever. 💗

  6. Amen, sister!

  7. I so agree with EVERYTHING you said. Thank you for not standing down, brave and truthful and wise Edee!

  8. Here here! Very well put. My sentiments exactly.

  9. I was worried about you posting politics on a general interest Orcas page, but since you allow comments, here is mine:
    Trump is asking for presidential immunity because if he gets it and gets a second chance, no one will be able to stop him.
    His plan to fire long time civil servants and replace them with “loyalists”, and his desire for “retribution” should prompt us to really think about what we want in a leader.
    If not enough people step up to the plate at the voting booth, maybe we get what we deserve?

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