Whether you’re cooking or creating or just hanging out…
We have been staying up much later than anticipated many nights lately watching bests of America’s Got Talent and Britain’s Got Talent. If you need constant doses of awe and inspiration, plus even a good cry now and then, just watch these and all the other AGT and BGT bests on YouTube – there are so many.
If you’ve been looking for some different music, we’ve been watching Hania Rani lately and then playing it in the background when we’re doing things. It’s mesmerizing, almost hypnotic…
And here’s a bit of local inspiration. I just love hearing and seeing the results of what people are quietly working on in their homes and studios. You probably watched the Carter girls grow up here on Orcas, playing their instruments in various venues, being part of various bands, and writing their own music as well. This is a collaboration between Lisa Carter and her friend Emily Homoki that they just wrote, recorded, and produced…
I love knowing more, and I asked her to tell me about how they did it. This is what she said…
It’s mostly synthesizers. I wrote all of the instrument parts and played the midi into the song for most of the instruments. We had a guitarist friend play the guitar part, and then another friend did a final mix. The drums are a prerecorded track that comes with Logic Pro X, which is my DAW (digital audio workstation), so I just cut and pasted for that part.
There’s so much fascinating talent out there. Sweet dreams…

I’ve been loving the crisp, clear nights lately. I go to sleep every night looking directly at Orion. The moon photo is a conglomeration of photos taken by our son, Evan, and put together. Though this isn’t the current moon phase. Right now, it’s been a stunning, bright sliver just over the land when the night sky turns from deep blue to black.