Things are warming up here on Orcas Island. Not just the weather. Flyers and sandwich boards are proliferating with events and quintessentially Orcas kinds of things.
I just love the talent shows here – Orcas Has Talent for adults, Whale of a Show for kids, and now this – the Orcas Kids’ Variety Show. People would be lined up for blocks to be in a show like this on the mainland, but here we have just the perfect population size to create a show that any kids interested in performing can do so.
Didier Gincig and Orcas Center, thank you for always providing a way for our children to blossom. Orcas Island, thank you for supporting the kids – this takes guts!
Announcers Chao DeHaan and Miss Mary Juliette McKenney and Miss Mary Grace, Paul, Cora, Tasman, Jack, Cora, Giovanni, Louis, and big kids Alexandra and Julia van Dongen Eber Lucas and Mr. Rivera Jack Spinogatti Paris Wilson and Martin Lund Jack Carson Funhouse Drama Club Funhouse Drama Club Funhouse Drama Club Paris Wilson and Tim Jenson Gray, Maeve, Ava, Madelaine, Solianna, and Seffa Tiffany Loney’s Boys’ Dance Class Otto, Soren, Cole, Zade, Elijah, Chase, and Drew Ava, Solianna, Seffa, Gray, and Maddy Brograss: Kaj and Tashi Litch