If you don’t already know Matthew Carter, he is a gem. If the world were all Matthew Carters, it would be a kind, respectful, peaceful, polite, pure-minded world.

Matthew is pursuing a career as a Mission Aviation Fellowship Pilot. MAF trains pilots to fly into remote, isolated areas in order to bring medical supplies, educational materials, clean water technology, etc. to people in need.
Matthew spoke in church this past Sunday about his training and where he’s headed – Haiti. Go 32 minutes and 10 seconds into the recorded service below to watch a virtual introduction of Matthew by MAF’s President and CEO, David Holsten. There is a captivating short video of clips of what it’s like to be an MAF pilot, and then an interview of Matthew with our pastor.
Eight or nine years ago, when we were relatively new here on Orcas Island, we invited Larry and Linda Whiting over to our house during their short visit here to report on their lives as MAF missionaries, since our church helps support them. The two met in Friday Harbor, and Larry was an MAF jungle pilot and mechanic in Borneo for 17 years. They raised their four children in Indonesia and after 33 total years in Southeast Asia, they moved to Nampa, Idaho, to work at MAF headquarters.

When they came over to our house, I was so taken by how they lived their lives. (I’ve always been fascinated by missionaries abroad and the amazing adventures they’ve had.) My quiet dream was that our older son would one day want to be the next Larry Whiting, flying to remote places to help people who would otherwise suffer.
I’m not sure what our son will choose to do someday, but Matthew Carter has chosen that very journey, and I couldn’t be more excited for him. He is one of the sweetest human beings that you could ever meet, and I know he will want only the best for each and every person he encounters out there in the world.
If you would like to read more about him on the MAF site or contribute to support his endeavors, go here.
To watch more fascinating videos about MAF’s pilots and destinations, go to their YouTube channel here.
I’ll start you off…
(After watching these, I think I want to apply!)
Photos courtesy of Matthew Carter and the Whitings