You may pass Marjorie along the road every day. She walks into town by choice each morning, wearing the funnest colors, patterns, and shoes regardless of weather and rain. I love that about her! She doesn’t let the gray weather of winter dissuade her from some personality, individuality, and flair. (As I sit in my boring black pants and jacket.) When walking toward town, Marjorie is on her way to work – she is the pharmacist at Ray’s. Wave to her next time you pass her!

I asked Marjorie if I could photograph her for my Life on Orcas Island book after I had already picked favorites from my pre-existing photos. That was in the very early stages of planning, when I hoped the book could be about 250 pages. I soon realized a 250-page color photo book from the publishing company I had chosen wouldn’t be feasible, so I couldn’t add more photos and had to weed out even more of my pre-chosen favorites. (I chose to stay with the company, BookBaby, rather than seek a different one that would charge less because the customer service was phenomenal. I needed that so I could ask questions anytime something came up, and I’ve been so impressed with them – I recommend them if you ever publish anything.)
I just dropped off a box of Life on Orcas Island books at Ray’s, so look for them on display if you’d like one for you or as a gift. Thanks Marlace and crew!