What a wild week it was! No power Thursday from 4:ish PM to 2:ish AM, no power Saturday 8:ish AM to 3:ish PM, thick powdery snow, icy streets, people unable to leave their driveways, and 4-degree temperatures at times with wind chill.
On Friday night, temperatures rose quickly and snow thawed to the point that it was almost gone in some places by Saturday morning. People finally got out and ventured into town on Christmas Eve day for last-minute food and gifts at Island Market, Ray’s, and Con’s, where either generators were fired up and lights were bright or stores were dark inside and accepted only cash. Eerie!
The following photos are the last of the snow in town on Friday night, as we were walking to and from our friends’ house for a White Elephant exchange.

I’ve gone from wearing snow pants and a knee-length down jacket in the house to jeans and a sweatshirt outside. The temperature right now is 53 degrees.
And with that weather report, may you have a wonderful final hour of Christmas!
thanks so much for sharing these winter images of our Orcas.
historical. amazing. nature in control.
due to snow could NOT get to our home, where hoped i would
spend Christmas. So give us all a great glimpse of life there
thanks and happy continued holidays!