I’m starting a new series of quasi-interviews in which I email questions to a local person I’d like to know more about.
Here are Michael Armenia’s answers, in his own words…
Edee: I see you around town and in the library a lot – what do you do and what makes you tick?
Michael: It is hard for me to answer any question without waxing philosophic and quoting great thinkers along the human timeline, but I will do my best to avoid that. I live day to day, striving to be a good husband and father. I’ve had several careers and have left them all behind me. The material world has little for me except for books because I am driven toward (I am inspired and resonated into bliss by) knowledge. I’m a natural philosopher who is out of his time, and in order to survive I must create my own world in which my soul will thrive. Mere existence is unsatisfying. I will be daring, though, and quote myself with respect to what makes me tick – to be a fully actualized human, one must be a wholehearted and steadfast artist. And to be a great artist, one must be a skilled alchemist. Transforming my human experience (even the absurdities of societal norms and behaviors that have nauseated me into a state of cynicism) into something more, soothes and heals my heart. Meanwhile, I hope my offering of the metamorphoses to others will inspire. The world turns and we dance the dance. I could proceed as a recluse, isolated from community and society and sleep well every night because I can see a world in a grain of sand and hold eternity in the palm of my hand. (Oops, I pretty much quoted Blake there, didn’t I?) But, I choose to stay connected to my community and do so on my terms. Thus, I recently created the Orcas Island Shakespeare Society (OISS), a not-profit artistic and education organization that shares a passion for Shakespeare with all who are willing to embrace it. It is my focus now – and all there is is now!
Edee: What drew you to live on Orcas Island? What are your favorite and least favorite things about small town life?
Michael: After three summer camping trips, my family was enchanted by the magic of Orcas Island. We shunned all main life occupations and moved here with nothing but a tent, some supplies and the will to make a new life. The energy of the island vibrated and if it were to sound a word, that word would be “home.” We came home! My favorite thing about small town life is that living in one seems much more authentic, real, significant. And whether or not we all agree or even like each other, islanders are family. It feels like family – again, home. At this stage of my life, there are no drawbacks to “small town” life. There is, however, a plethora of practical drawbacks to “island life” such as cost-of-living (e.g. food, gas, rent, etc.) and lack of services (e.g. medical and hospital services).
Edee: What are five things that most people wouldn’t know about you?
- I was a Doctor Who FANATIC in the early 1980s.
- I studied Russian in high school.
- I had an audience with Pope John Paul II in 1990.
- I’ve lived in Europe.
- Since Bosom Buddies first aired, I had always thought Tom Hanks could be the older brother I never had, but always wanted.
Edee: If someone all of a sudden inhabited your mind, what would be immediately surprising to them about what you’re thinking?
Michael: They would be immediately surprised that I could be thinking of so much without my head having already exploded; that I could find beauty in dark thoughts and anxiety in the most innocent experiences; that I could form a single coherent thought or cogent argument. (Frankly, I’m not sure that I can.)
Edee: What do you want most for your son’s future?
Michael: I want my son’s future to be full of potential: I want him to be challenged only by quality opportunities to thrive and self-actualize, not by threats to his existence.
(I like to share my writing, but I write for me – I am my audience. So, I don’t like self-promotion or care about how many people see it. What makes me tick can be discerned from my web site. That said, if you have interest, feel free to explore: www.michaelarmenia.com.)
Edee: Thank you, Michael.

Photo by Michael Armenia
I love following your ideas through this blog, Edee.
and now I love meeting new people through it, too!
Thanks, Jack!