Last week our local Community Church put on our annual Vacation Bible School. This year’s “Roar” African theme meant decorating all of the church’s rooms with appropriately patterned fabrics and rattans, sunset silhouettes of giraffes and rhinos, and colors galore.

It was my role as a “safari guide” to accompany the 3rd and 4th graders in their daily rotation of outdoor games, bible story, music and motions, craft, snack, daily video of Zambian life, and all-group music time.
One day during snack time, I popped a few slices of nectarine from home into my 9-year-old’s mouth as the kids were munching on their cool homemade VBS delicacies.
A boy in our group cocked his head and looked at us as if something was just clicking in his mind. He said, “Oh…you’re…so…he’s…your grandson then?”
“No, he’s my son,” I laughed!
The boy cocked his head again in disbelief. “But…uh…”
“I look like his grandma, huh?” I said, still laughing.
“Well, yeah!” he said demonstratively. “Feel your face!”
I felt my face, smiling all the while. “Pretty pruney, eh?”
“Well, yeah!” he said emphatically!
That just cracked me up! All the while, my son was quietly saying in the background, “No, Mom, you don’t look like my grandma, no!” Sweet boy, it’s okay. I’ve now rounded the bend and will have many years to laugh at myself in the mirror (rather than cry). 🙂
Photos by Stephanie Moss
You are so young!!!!!! I remember when I thought 30 was old. Zella
I’m really 22.