Navigating the Water Board: Soliciting a Statement from Each Involved Person for a 7 PM Post Wednesday

I just sent the following email:

Hello Teri, Jim, Leith, Jim, Ron, Steve, Dan, Carol, Tenar, and Mike,

This is Edee Kulper and I have been thinking about this water board situation for a few weeks. While I imagine that all of this has been so ongoing and convoluted for all of you, on the other side of the coin, it isn’t possible for every person on the island to keep up with the back-and-forth dialogue that is happening around the issues. The commentary is so voluminous that I am beginning to think it will cause our community to actually be less informed, less able to know what is what, and more turned off.

If I feel that way, many in our community must feel that way too. I haven’t dived down deep to read everything out there, so in a way, I need the CliffsNotes version of things directly from each one of you. Basically, I’ve read the beginning-to-middle of several articles and felt like, “Uggggh,” and moved on to other obligations.

Since there is simply too much information out there for everyone to cull, I would like to compile statements from each one of you in order to have one singular article – one place everyone can go in order to hear straight from each of you.

You can say whatever you want to say, but please be respectful because many people don’t want to hear ugliness. Please say what the most important things are that will educate and inform the community. Please say only truth. Whether or not you are a “good writer” doesn’t matter – you can put bullet points if that helps you speak what you want to say.

I will post your statements all in one blog post Wednesday afternoon at 7 PM on, and I will not write any opinions of my own.

Thank you immensely for helping to inform the community in a way that behooves us all.

Very Sincerely,

Edee Kulper


  1. Excellent

  2. Super invitation!!!
    We need less static!

  3. Thank you Edee for expressing what so many of us feel

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