I was just about to head to bed around 10:30 when it hit me – ‘What am I thinking? Tonight’s one of those rare, virgin-snow nights! I’ve gotta walk into town and see the white, solitary sights before they’ve changed by the morning!’
Here’s what town looked like…

The only other times I’ve seen it like this (untouched snow) were a few nights in January of 2020. Click here and here to see.
A few photos from that time are in my book, Life on Orcas Island:

Well, now that it’s 2 AM, I think it’s time to hit the hay. Enjoy awakening to a beautiful snowy morning – sledding, hot chocolate, and wonder!

BBBRRRHHHH!!! You are amazing and so appreciate seeing this magnificent capture of Orcas Island in Solstice Season. Stay safe and warm, everyone!
Thank you for sharing. I believe that may be the origin of many holiday lyrics. Just beautiful in its lack of activity🥰
magical, thanks for these glimpses Edee!
I lived on Orcas Island for over 20 years. So nice to see all these Beautiful pictures of fresh fallen snow. Simply Gorgeous!! 😍
Edee, these images are stunning. Thanks so much for going back outside, capturing the magic and sharing it here. Merry Christmas to you!
I can just imagine you on this late-night adventure..!
Precious shots, thank you.
Beautiful always Edee❤️
You captured the magic of the snow and the feeling of being alone on a winters night. Thank you for being inspired and sharing what you saw on that very cold night!
Beautiful and magical! Thank you!!!
Thank you. Beautifully done.