There may be no gathering with relatives this year; no warm, lively Christmas concerts to attend; no holiday teas or parties. But that won’t stop us from the fun!
So what is there to do with the same few family members you’ve been with in the same house since March? Silly you for asking! Why, physical contests, of course!
Last night, after cozying together to read none other than a science fiction book aloud (Ender’s Game, in case you were wondering), the kids and I decided we needed to do some 1-minute competitions in the categories of sit-ups, guy push-ups, girl push-ups, planks, running planks, squats, and a few others.
Our older son was the clear victor in most categories. He did 64 squats; I did 40. He did 130 running planks; I did 102. He did 20 guy push-ups and I did 30 girl push-ups (he still wins). We both did a plank for over a minute, but I think he could’ve kept going for three or four more minutes, that solid, unwavering board he is. The only category I won was sit-ups, but I think he’ll win if he tries again today. I used to be able to do 80+ sit-ups per minute in junior high. I’m down to 41.
After that, the boys capped the night off with some good ol’ wrestling by the Christmas tree.
May your days also be full of new-found Christmas activities to honor Jesus’ birth!