Funny things subtly shift inside you during a pandemic. Putting all heaviness aside, I thought I’d share with you some of my little quirky changes.
I never buy wrapping paper. I can’t stand waste, especially one-time-use waste if I can avoid it. My kids have grown up unwrapping birthday and Christmas presents wrapped in newspaper, reused ribbons from the past 15 years, and even towels and blankets sometimes. I keep the same little bag of bags and the same little box of ribbons to reuse every year.

I also can’t keep many seasonal decorations, being in a small house with one little coat closet, so decorating for the holidays stays pretty simple and minimal.
This year is different. We can’t gather with other humans outside our households, so anything we can do to amplify the season feels important for the psyche. It’s the first year I’ve ever bought wrapping paper and ribbons. Not even recycled paper. Bulk Costco and Amazon varieties – incredible value, pretty with metallic reversible options, and totally unenvironmental. (I’m neither touting nor recommending this!) I even contemplated buying lights for the outside of the house.
I’m weeks ahead of schedule in thinking about gifts, and I don’t even have a tree to put them under yet.
So not me to be half-prepared on December 4th.
Fact …. Christmas elves protect the environment from festive wrapping paper.