There are so many experiences people have to navigate that don’t fit the expected, hoped-for, happy, traditional, comfortable, practical, standard, narrow, familial, cultural, societal, or accepted path. Not feeling able to express a journey into what feels like uncharted territory is isolating until people realize they are not alone by any means, which usually requires other people standing up and speaking out courageously, directly, and often vulnerably. Until then, anyone experiencing something difficult can go through life or a phase of life feeling scared, misunderstood, sad, confused, different, fearful, or a host of other emotions. I think it’s fair to say that just about everyone at some point will have to navigate something scary, out of their wheelhouse, unexpected, unaccepted, or something for which they haven’t been treated kindly.
I want to tap into difficult, life-defining subjects that sometimes only a select few people speak up about. Many of us desperately need to hear the stories and voices of those we know and are in community with in order to relate or in order to help ourselves unearth our own difficulties.
I know this first-hand because right now I am processing a lot of things I didn’t imagine or expect, and to hear the stories of others who courageously speak out about such topics is balm for my soul.
In the next few weeks, I will be posting Q&As with various people relating to the following subjects:
- Navigating Childbearing and Baby Years
- Navigating Teenage Years
- Navigating Love, Companionship, and Marriage
- Navigating Sexuality
- Navigating Gender
- Navigating Politics
- Navigating Separation and Divorce
- Navigating Injury, Illness, Cancer & Caregiving
- Navigating Racism
- Navigating Loss
- Navigating Body Image
- Navigating Abuse
- Navigating Anxiety, Depression, and Psychological Issues
- Navigating Addiction
- Navigating Feeling Different
- Navigating Personality Disorders
- Navigating Mental Illness
- Navigating Loneliness or Isolation
- Navigating Suicidal Thoughts
- Navigating Animal & Environmental Abuse
- Navigating Midlife Crisis
- Navigating Senior Years
- Navigating Death
As a reader, I ask you to keep your mind open when reading the accounts of those who take the time and have the courage to talk about the very personal details of their lives. They do it knowing how powerful and helpful it is for others to hear, knowing it could change the trajectory of some who thought they were alone in it. They also do it because they must live their truth in order to thrive rather than remain quiet and barely survive through what society, religion, family, tradition, or propriety imposes on them.

What a challenging project! Look forward to your columns .
Thank you Carol!